
Friday, October 9, 2009

October in Michigan

Playing on the trampoline
Abby and Aubrey on the trampoline

Austin learning how to do a backflip

Carving pumpkins!

Austin with his King Boo pumpkin

Me carving Hercules while Abby watches

At the apple orchard. Of course Rita got a caramel apple

Theresa and Aubrey at the apple orchard

Theresa and Aubrey

T munching on an apple

There was even a Mickey Mouse apple

Theresa, Donald and Rita

Abby and Aubrey found eggs

Abby, Aubrey, Ethan and Austin

Playing on the trampoline

Quite a fire Tyler made driveway

Theresa roasting marshmallows for s'mores

Austin with King Boo

Ethan with Bowser

Joe with Hercules

Abby with Goofy

Aubrey with Jacques

Theresa with Mario

All the kids with their pumpkins

Amy and Abby with Goofy

Chi and Rich with Charlie Brown

Everyone with the pumpkins

Everyone with the pumpkins

Us and the kids

Ty grilling steaks for lunch

Chi in the kitchen, of course

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