
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Visiting Jon, Jess and the kids in Delaware

We had a 3 day weekend and decided to head out to Delaware to visit family.  Yes, it was a long flight for only 3 days, but it's been a while since we've seen them.  We left work at noon on Thursday and headed to the airport.  How about starting the trip with an ice cream cone!
And we lucked out and got the exit row!

Goodbye Los Angeles

Flying over Colorado

And we made it to Delaware.  Just a short 80 minute drive from Philadelphia to Delaware.  Thanks for picking us up at the gate Jon at 1am.

In the morning, the twins were at school.  We got to play with Isaac and Emma.

Emma's so happy.

Playing with Isaac

Getting ready to fly!

There he is hovering in the air.


At least he liked it.

Playing burrito though, he did not like.

Such a good picture taker

The boys finally made it home.  Here we are all watching Star Wars Clone Wars together.  Boy do they all like Star Wars.

On Saturday, Dad drove up from Virginia.  Emma sure likes Pop-pop.  

The boys, Shasta, Dad and myself all walked/rode over to the park.

It was a long ride so we spent a little bit of time passed out over the handlebars resting.

And taking small explorer breaks.

The boys enjoyed the tire swing.  Spin us faster, faster, faster!

The boys all enjoyed the swings.

And Pop-pop pushing them.

And especially UNDERDOG!!!

I thought it was a little cold to be playing barefoot in the sand, but apparently I was mistaken.

The kids all love their Pop-pop

We had some tasty meals while we were there.  Dad brought some tri-tip on Saturday.  Jess made some tasty cinnamon rolls and there's always tasty bread and butter around the house.  And lunch was delicious buffalo wings from Buffalo Wild Wings.  Thanks for buying Jon!

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