
Saturday, September 1, 2012

John Williams at the Hollywood Bowl

One of our favorite parts of the end of the summer is having John Williams coming out to conduct the LA Philharmonic.  This is our 8th year in a row coming to see him!  This year Jonathan, Lacey, Steph and Farman joined us.

The Bakers carpooled with us and amazingly on a Friday afternoon on a holiday weekend we made it from the South Bay up to the Hollywood Bowl in 45 minutes!  A quick stop by Subway for food and we were ready to head into the Bowl. 

Pretty good seats this year.

I didn't bring my good camera so all I have are these point and shoot pictures.

There were a few moments that were just amazing!  The first was an Olympic montage with the Olympic Fanfare that he composed along with clips from the summer games.

Another favorite of mine was the montage of all the famous sword fights in movie history, coupled with the music from Tin-Tin

 Hearing the theme from Superman is great!  Though many in the audience confused it with Star Wars music and started waving their lightsabers prematurely.

 Once they do start playing Star Wars music though, it's always cool to see the entire audience come to life with lightsabers.

For the final of the evening, we were treated to something amazing from E.T.
They coupled the entire last 15 minutes from the film along with dialog and sound effects and showed that on the main screen, while the orchestra provided the music.

 It was a fantastic night!  We'll hopefully all be back next year!

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