
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Candlelight with Dick Van Dyke

Yes it's the middle of the week and Theresa and I have work, but Dick Van Dyke will be at Candlelight tonight and we've got to go see him!
 We left the house at 3:45pm and after driving through traffic, we made it to the resort around 4:45pm.  Just as we were leaving the house, Armand D'Alo sends a text saying that he's going to be at the park too.  Just as we get there, I learn Dave DeCaro is going to be there too!  We knew we wouldn't have much luck seeing the first show, and as we passed under the berm and saw the crowd, it was packed.  No worries though, we walked on and decided we would be first in line for the 7:30 show.  We made friends with the other people who were also waiting in line.  

As 5:30 rolls around there is just the smallest of drizzles.  An announcement comes on saying that the show is going to be delayed.  And very unfortunately for everyone, 5 minutes later an announcement says the show is cancelled.  That is so sad for the people who had lottery tickets for the first show.  
After the announcement, there was, as expected, a bit of confusion.  Normally after the first showing of Candlelight, the standing room only areas as well as the benches are cleared out and the people waiting in line on Main Street fill in to the area.  While Theresa held the place in line, I shuffled into the standing area and heard that cast members were directing people to leave the area.  Most people left and lines on Main Street started getting ropes put up and the lines started growing.  The people on the benches who had been there most of the day weren't having any of that though.  After 5 minutes, cast members abandoned the "line up on Main Street" spiel and allowed people to start crowding into the standing room.  

Luckily, we were among some of the first people into the area and happened to be 2 deep to the rope.  Not too bad.  

We were all crossing our fingers that the drizzle would stay away and Candlelight would continue.  As we saw cast members wiping the seats off our spirits were getting hopeful.  As they started leading the 7:30 lottery members in, we really started to get excited.

And then when Nancy finally took the stage and the orchestra started, everyone cheered!

It's him!  It's Dick Van Dyke!  The cheers were huge!

He definitely looks happy to be here.

Always the funny man, he does a quick check for rain then continues with the show.

Natalie, one of the Voices of Liberty.

I'm wondering, is the sign language interpreter performing every single night of Candlelight?  He's been here every night we've been here.  He does a wonderful job every time we see him.

The wonderful bell ringers being directed by Nancy.

And one of my personal favorites, the trumpeters.  I think this is the part I'd miss most if Candlelight is moved to another venue next year.

Voices of Liberty.

After every song, Dick Van Dyke showed his appreciation for the choir.

Everyone being led singing Silent Night. 

Dick Van Dyke singing along, and enjoying something in the crowd.

Even though we couldn't feel anything, we could see in the lights that it was drizzling on stage.

The music completely stopped and the announcer said that there would be a temporary delay. Dick Van Dyke checking for rain again.

Then a cast member brought him an umbrella.  Haha!  Everyone was cheering so much!

So, take photos or video?  Photos or Video?  Photos might catch some fun expressions, but a video would see Dick Van Dyke doing a little bit of improvisation.  

So I decided on video and left it running through the end of the show. 

He closed with the following.
"Wasn't that magnificent! Oh, what an evening, I'm overwhelmed. I just want to say it's an honor and thrill for me to share this evening with you, this great candlelight ceremony. You know there are many traditions and many many ways to celebrate this season, and however you and your loved ones decide to do it, we wish you the peace and hope and joy and would you pray with me for a great wave of tolerance and forgiveness to sweep over this world and give us the peace we yearn for.  God Bless!"
Dick Van Dyke was a wonderful narrator!  I am so glad we came here tonight to see him.  What a fantastic evening. We stayed in place for a while, while a little bit of roomed opened up.  Everyone loved our hats tonight.  So many people asked where they came from.  Theresa's Winnie the Pooh snowman came from Disney Paris.  My Mickey snowman came from Disney World.

After the show, we met up with Dave, Armand, Robbin and Dakota and just chatted for a while.  It was an amazing night!  

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful you've gotten to see CP so many times. I'm glad that at least one show happened that night. Hope we get two shows tomorrow and Sunday this year despite the rainy forecast!
