
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Night shots from Disneyland Paris

After riding Space Mountain with Jacob, we split and he heads back to the hotel with Theresa and Ruston. I'm sticking behind to take some nighttime shots of the park.
Discoveryland (Tomorrowland) always has some great color with all the neon lights and colorful structures.

Having just finished Space Mountain I start my photo journey there. I get my tripod out that I've been carrying around all day, get set up, and start to take some initial shots. Before too long I hear "Monsieur..." It's 11:15pm and the cast members from Space Mountain are clearing their zone and shuffling people out of their area.
I just have enough time to get a photo of the cannon that launches your rocket into space before I have to move along.

I run, set up in front of the lagoon and look back towards the Nautilus and Space Mountain. I grab a couple more shots before they’re on me again.

Finally in the middle of Discoveryland, I’m allowed to roam free for a little longer while people are still getting off Autopia. I get a few more shots of the Astro Orbitor with Space Mountain in the background before I’m shooed further down the path.

The Disney Dreams show hasn’t even finished yet, so I’m stuck behind a massive crush of people. I can't go back into Discoveryland because all the cast members have formed a line to keep guests from going that way.

By 11:30pm, the front of the castle has cleared out and the area is clear for photos. I go ahead and pose for one with me in it just because I can.

That castle here is beautiful.

All the other sections of the park are closed and have cast members blocking them off as well, so I turn my attention to Main Street. By 11:40pm the crowds have really started to dwindle and there's not too many of us left.

I wander around, grabbing shots of anything that strikes my fancy.

We've got reservations for dinner at Walt's tomorrow night and I'm really looking forward to it.

It’s getting pretty late and I’m not certain when the last train heads back to the hotel. It’s 11:50pm and I figure that’s enough for one day. Goodnight park. We'll see you again tomorrow.


  1. Stunning photos!! Looks like such an amazing trip. I'm dying to get over to that park someday.

  2. wow, it's kinda eerie to see a Disney park that empty! Does it seem smaller with nobody around?
