
Monday, April 7, 2014

Exploring Paris Day 2 part 4 - 07/03/2013

After a day wandering around Paris, it was time to relax for the night. We couldn't think of a better place to do it than at the base of the Eiffel Tower!
The four of us make our way to the tower from the hotel.  On the way we pass tons of people peddling statues of the Eiffel Tower.  We also see quite a few guys doing the “find the ball” scam.  T even recognizes one guy and his “partner” from yesterday, duping some guy out of money.  
We make it to the tower and it’s huge, but under construction. We find a place to eat off the main grass area since I read you can be fined for that.

Everyone enjoys their meals/snacks.  I try some of Jacob’s chicken potato chips. They’re interesting and taste like chicken broth. While we're sitting on the lawn, a few guys walk close by mumbling "Wine, Champagne". Guess you don't have to bring your own!

We all pose in front of the tower. We do regular poses to start.

Shoo. It's my turn.

And then out come the goofy shots.

And of course the group shot.

Jacob and Ruston decide to take a trip up to the top.  After leaving Theresa for so long earlier today at Notre Dame, I would feel bad leaving her again and decide to stay with her.  She’s happy for that. We leave the boys at the base and go to take a few pictures ourselves.  

T wanted to at least touch the tower, so we do that, then take some back roads to bypass the cup/ball guys.  On the way, we see the police have got a couple guys pulled off to the side and are frisking them. Glad to have the police patrolling the area at least.

For dinner I was going to get Subway along with T, but they’re out of meatballs.  I go next door and get a Hawaiian pizza instead (yes, in Paris).  We take it all up to the room and enjoy it while watching some National Treasure 2. We get showered up then settle in for the night.

Exciting news!!!  I felt my baby boy for the first time today! It's after midnight, so it July 4th, 2013. T and I are laying in bed watching the movie and she says "He’s really active right now. Put your hand over here and see if you can feel him."  Sure enough with-in a minute I feel two different times he’s pushing or turning.  Pretty awesome!

Well that was our day, but Ruston and Jacob had more adventures. They're headed to the top of the Eiffel Tower!

The line to take the elevator up was way too long of a wait. Instead, they took the stairs!

That's a few steps to reach the first level!

Looking down at the line.

The view from the first level.

Time to head up to the second!

Looking down from the second level.

Then finally up to the very top! 896 feet above the ground!

And the view from the third level.

Up top there is also a recreation of Gustav Eiffel's office. Imagine this being your office all the way up on the third floor of the Eiffel tower!

After coming back down, they stayed long enough to watch as the Eiffel Tower lights up.

Tomorrow will be coming early.  We’re headed to Versailles.  It’s a long train ride and they suggest being there early. Until tomorrow.

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