
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Painting day at the Flowers' house

Another year, another painting day. These are almost an annual event here now.

But before we get to that, just a few cute pictures of Ian with his new walker.

His toes are just long enough to reach the floor. I think he really is liking all the new toys in front of him.

We've got a few new faces this year. I met Steven and Sam at a Micechat meetup during the 24 hour Disney day back in May. Steven's 2nd daughter is also joining us.

Theresa was on top of food, making us all taco and burrito fixins.

Ruston and Jacob working on their paintings.

The girls are making good progress.

I like the colors especially. That's a very nice purple for Lady and the Tramp.

Also a new face this year is Judy. Despite showing up in an Ariel shirt and her favorite character being Ariel, she's doing a special painting for her husband who can't make it.

Jonathan and Lacey showed up to give all the painters their support.

And there was quite a turn-out this year. Including the 3 babies, we had 22 people over today!

Making good progress!

What are those guys doing in the grass?

Eliza's son had a fun time kicking his soccer ball around the yard.

Ian enjoyed Catherine's son's toys. Apparently different toys taste better than your regular toys.

Time to wrestle!

Gene, Grace and Elliot all working on a painting.

And late comers Nicole and Shannon getting started on theirs.

Nice to finish early. You can sit around and watch other people work on theirs.

For dinner, Theresa prepared enough salad, spaghetti, ground beef, and garlic bread to feed the masses. This is on top of all the other goodies people brought. Jacob bringing his famous meatballs. Eliza bringing some really tasty chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Theresa added to that with brownies and cupcakes. We were all stuffed.

Feed me!

We're celebrating two birthdays today. Mine from earlier in the week, and Shannon's which was today. We both got a cupcake with a candle.

Smiling with the Bakers. In less than 3 weeks now, we'll be meeting Baby Baker! Hard to believe she's coming so soon!

Alright, let's see those finished paintings. Nice work girls.

Catherine is making good progress on her painting of Mickey flying a plane.

And Judy finished Grumpy just in time to take it home to surprise her husband.

Jacob painted this one for Ian and it's going to look great on his Muppet wall.

Shannon's Stitch is a work in progress.

As is Nicole's Mickey golfing.

I think many people's favorite painting today has been Ruston's painting of the Disneyland Sleeping Beauty castle. Those colors are really popping and the red Disneyland script at the bottom looks great.

It was another great day of hanging out with friends, enjoying some good conversation, the beautiful Southern California weather and good food. Come back next year when we're sure to do it all again!

Many of these paintings were originally created by Allison Lefcort. You can see more of her work on her site


  1. Such an awesome time! The company - and the food - were incredible.
