
Friday, September 12, 2014

Dapper Day at the Disneyland Resort - Part 1

It's Dapper Day at the Disneyland Resort. Well technically it is a Fall Evening Soirée this time. The organizers realize that it's still really hot in September in Southern California and instead of being a full day event, most of the meetups are held after sunset. Since we've got a home base at the Grand Californian, we're going to be changing into our Dapper clothes later today.

It's unfortunate that babies don't understand the concept of sleeping in. Even though we're on vacation, Ian still insists on waking up by 6am. Ugh. At least he sleeps through the night. It's very nice having a Starbucks in Downtown Disney right outside the hotel. T and I both grabbed coffee and went looking elsewhere for breakfast. Wetzels was still closed and we really just wanted something quick.

What's this line that starts all the way backed up to Storyteller's Cafe? We were trying to get to White Water Snacks to see what they had for breakfast. What time is it? 7:50am. Ah, these people are all waiting for the Extra Magic Hour at DCA this morning. They'll start to let people in at 8am. Well we got over to White Water Snacks and learned from a cast member that they were closed for 2 weeks to redo the floor. Guess breakfast is just going to be coffee this morning then. 

After a quick stop by the room to grab the stroller and anything else we'd need for the morning, we met Kelly, Sean and Sophie in the lobby by 8:30. We hopped in a much shorter line now to get inside DCA.
It's official, Sophie is now an official citizen of the Disneyland Resort. As soon as we crossed into the park, Sean looked into my stroller and saw Ian was already asleep.

Sean, Sophie and Kelly got a quick picture by the Storytellers statue before leaving to go into Disneyland. Yep, just a quick walk through DCA on the way to Disneyland. No rides yet.

Who'd have thought we'd ever make it to rope drop at Disneyland? With a kid who likes to wake up early, that's going to happen more and more frequently I suspect.

Walking down a not too crowded Main Street. Still a bit of construction and construction noises coming from the East side of the street.

At the hub, cast members had ropes keeping everyone corralled.

Already we're seeing some dapper outfits. I love it when people incorporate Disney characters into their outfits too.

Quick check on the boy and yes, he's still passed out.

And we're off!

Sophie needs her early morning coffee to start her day too.

Kelly had previously decided that Sophie's very first ride would be Peter Pan, so that was our first stop. Ian must have realized he was about to miss out on a ride, and woke up right as they were getting in line, so we were able to join them too.

I like the Mommy and Daddy hats Kelly and Sean got to go with their outfits today.

And Ian was getting some comments on his Tigger outfit, especially his tail.

Sophie is a happy baby.

Only 9:15 and already the fan is coming out. Today is going to be a hot one.

Ian getting a little bit of cool air.

All smiles and happy with mommy.

And somber when he's with daddy. I just like to think that I can make him smile when T is holding him, but she's not as good at making him smile when I hold him. That's what I'll just keep telling myself.

Sophie ready for her very first ride.

She got through it like a champ and didn't cry once.

Next up is one of my favorite rides: the Haunted Mansion with the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay.

Jack Skellington was even out front welcoming people.

Kelly just couldn't resist. Jack Skellington was going to be Sophie's very first Disney character meeting.

Jack spent a bit of time with her just being close and eventually Sophie reached out and grabbed his tie. She's pretty fearless.

Jack even complimented Kelly's blood red dress and wondered how many people she had to kill to collect that much blood.

Within 20 minutes we were all inside the mansion. The decorations looked great like usual and I always enjoy seeing the new gingerbread house in the ballroom (no pictures of it yet. the ones I took were too blurry). T and I both noticed the usual smell of gingerbread was missing here. Can anyone else confirm that it is working?
I'm always happy that Jack remembers to bring me a present.

And take a look at this, Ian got one too.

Thank you Sandy Claws!

Ian was eating his bottle during the ride and looking back at Sean and Kelly, it looks like Sophie is doing the same thing.

Right before the end, near the mirrors Kelly ends up dropping Sophie's bottle and causing a ride stoppage. So if you were on the ride or in line around 10am and everything was a little slower, you know who you can blame. Any time throughout the rest of the day when we saw the ride broken down, we still blamed Kelly.

Ian played with the trees by the exit while we waited for them to retrieve Sophie's bottle.

Because we're close, the next stop is of course Winnie the Pooh. 

Our little Tigger Ian ready to ride mommy's favorite ride.

Next up was Pirates. The two kids playing with each other in line.

A little apprehensive once we got inside.

Once we boarded Kelly and Sean sat in front of us. That gave Ian someone he could play with a little bit when he wasn't holding on to mommy.

After Pirates it was time to eat. Kelly and Sean had different ideas than us for lunch, so at that point we split with promises to meet up again later. T and I headed to Downtown Disney and started with a smoothie from Jamba Juice.

And then continued to one of our favorite quick service restaurants, Earl of Sandwich. Once I find something I like, I very rarely try anything new. My normal order is either an original sandwich or a Hawaiian BBQ but there's one sandwich on the menu though that has always piqued my curiosity.
That sandwich is the Holiday Turkey made with turkey, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce. Today is the day I try it!

And it was delicious! I have a new favorite sandwich now!

Finished with lunch during the hottest part of the day, we then went back to enjoy the hotel pool. It's great that they have a kiddie pool that's only 16 inches deep. Ian had a great time splashing and it was shallow enough that he could stand up.

A short time later Sean and Sophie joined us.

Oops, we forgot toys. But the best toys are the cheap toys. An empty plastic water bottle provided all the entertainment Ian could have wanted.

Sophie's got some very wrinkly toes.

After fun times in the pool, it was time to head up to the room for an afternoon nap before getting changed into our dapper outfits. It's been so nice having a room to go to.

We'll continue again in the next post.


  1. That sandwich looks great -- I love turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce ANY TIME of year. Why didn't I think of putting it on a bun??!!

    1. I'm happy it's no longer seasonal and can be had year round now. Too bad there aren't any where you live. Maybe next time you come to visit.
