
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Michigan

Happy Thanksgiving! Theresa, Ian, Richard, Chi and I all flew up to Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving with all the family up there. We did quite a few things while we were visiting, so this post will focus on most of the "hanging out" time and the next few posts will get into some of the fun things we did.

The night before we left, the skies were just beautiful. Theresa snapped this one with her phone and the sky is so orange it looks like it's on fire. We don't get these dramatic colors often, but they sure are pretty when they happen.

Ian was in a great mood the night before we left too. Something was really pressing his giggle button because it didn't really matter what I did, he would laugh and laugh. I love hearing his little giggle.

The next day, the five of us took a cab to the airport. We took the 12:15 flight out of Los Angeles so it's lunchtime. Ian sat in the chair next to Richard like a big boy.

Getting some snacks while we waited.

While waiting in the terminal, Ian found another baby and they walked around a bit together.

Ian really liked the cold feeling of T's coffee on his hands.

But you have to watch out for him. He's a quick one.

No coffee for you yet buddy.

We boarded our completely full flight and were happy that we bought Ian his own seat so he was not a lap baby. Ian finished his lunch while we waited to take off. 

And by the time we pushed back from the gate, Ian was asleep and would stay asleep until we landed in Phoenix.

In Phoenix, we did some more walking to kill time before our connecting flight to Michigan. It didn't arrive until 10:30pm and then it was 11pm until we got picked up. What a difference Michigan was compared to California. As we walked outside, it was a biting cold with the temperature right around 17 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ian went straight to sleep once we got home and luckily for us, he decided to not wake up with the sun, but instead sleep until 8:30am. He looks so long in this picture. He's growing up!

I'm sure Ian doesn't mind spending some time with his Aunt Rita and Grammy. T and I had heard some really great things about the new Big Hero 6 and since we had willing babysitters, we took advantage.

Not too far away was a great theater where we caught a matinee showing for just $5 each. This theater has converted all their seating to plush recliners so you're watching the movie in style.
I thought Big Hero 6 was a cute movie. It looked great, though the story was a little predictable. A couple people had told me it was better than Frozen, but after seeing it, I don't agree. Frozen had a really great soundtrack to go along with a fun movie, but Big Hero 6 only had a single song.

And while we were away, Ian will dress like a monster and cause mischief. And this is why we have locks on our cabinets at home now.

This is the laundry room, so ignore the clothes all over the floor.
Ian has grabbed a broom and is ready for some Quidditch!

Who is that taking a picture of Ian?

It's his Aunt Amy! I bet he could help grade papers.

One of the new tricks he was taught. Saying "please" by cocking his head to the side. Who could say no to that?

Ian was all over the downstairs while we were there, but his favorite room had to be the pantry. Lots of little things to pick up and carry around.

And of course boxes to climb on top of.

He's started clapping for himself when he thinks he deserves it. Here he managed to climb into a large serving bowl. Bring on the snow! I'm ready to go sledding!

One Ian coming right up.

These floors are slippery. I need some extra fall protection.

That's better. Now hopefully my head won't hit if I slip.

Ready for Thanksgiving!

Ian woke up just in time to celebrate with everyone. Theresa learned that he doesn't just like black olives, he loves them! She'd hold one up for him to bite in half, but instead he'd lean forward more and suck the whole olive in. He'd have chipmunk cheeks, but he'd chew it up and lean forward for the next one.

Donald ordered a delicious smoked Turkey.

Like usual there was a ton of food.

Ian with his Aunt Amy. I think he's concerned that his milk is empty.

All better! And now he's ready to dig into his own Thanksgiving meal of ham, turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes, olives, and a dinner roll.

Here's my first plate. Meat and carbs!

Mmm. A smoked turkey leg. Makes me want to get one from Disneyland now.

Ian getting a ride from Aubrey.

I can reach these keys!

Playing the piano with Aubrey. Ian loved coming over and making noise on the piano whenever he saw it was open.

On Black Friday, instead of going out shopping, it was time for us to head to the airport. Our plane had mechanical problems, so Ian and I walked around the terminal.
There's an Earl of Sandwich here?!? I love that place! I asked and it's been here for 6 years and I never knew about it. And because it's the day after Thanksgiving and also because it's my new favorite sandwich, I ordered the Holiday Turkey, which has turkey, stuffing, gravy, and cranberry. Mmm!

Besides the initial delays, the flight was uneventful. Luckily for us, Ian hasn't had any issues with his ears on the flight and again he got complimented for being a well-behaved baby by some of the fellow passengers. 

Once we got home, we had to go shopping to stock up for the week. Of course the Michigan folks got a picture once we got home and maybe there was a little bit of bragging about the weather in So Cal vs the weather in Michigan.

It was a great trip and you were very well behaved Ian. Might as well give yourself a hand!

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