
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Ian! Celebrating at Disneyland

Happy first birthday Ian! You're a whole year old today! Hard to imagine 1 year ago we were at the hospital and Ian was on his way.
What better way to spend his first birthday than at the Happiest Place on Earth! Disneyland!

We hopped in the car and tried to keep it a secret, but Theresa let it slip where we were headed.
Kidding, but it made for a good story for this smiley picture.

We had plans to stop by City Hall first to get his birthday button, but the line was out the door and super long. We'll grab it at another spot. Instead, we hopped aboard the Main Street Fire Engine for a ride down Main Street.

Since I've got the stroller, I get to sit up front with our driver. Based on all the people we have to honk out of the way, it looks like it's a bit crowded on this Veteran's day.

Here we go. Time to get that button. He's all shy around strangers.

But show him something he wants and he warms right up to you.

Happy birthday! We tried to pin it to his shirt, but he kept yanking on it.

So instead it went above him on his stroller. Ooh, a duck. He's fascinated with the squirrels and cats that come in our yard. Too bad for him he was strapped in and couldn't get any closer to the duck.

Ian seemed to like the Tiki Room on a previous visit, so that's our first stop. Theresa has decided we're only doing things he likes today and nothing he might find scary.

He didn't love it as much before, but he still waved at the birds and watched the tikis and flowers sing.

Continuing the animal theme, we headed back to the Big Thunder Ranch. We knew it was busy when we had to wait 5 minutes for people to clear out so we could go in and pet the goats. At first he was tentative, but eventually he felt the goat's ear.

Come pet her Ian!

He was interested, but wasn't enamored.

As soon as we came out, his mommy grabbed him and headed straight to the hand washing station.

While taking a break for a snack, his Uncle Donald, Aunt Amy, and cousins Abby and Austin FaceTimed him and sang him Happy Birthday.

He likes holding the phone himself.

Giving them kisses? Nah, just tasting the phone.

Our next ride was on King Arthur's Carrousel. I initially put him on his own horse, strapped him on, and stood beside him, but had wanted to ride with his mommy instead.

After the Carrousel ride, I took him on another ride he enjoys.

Wow, look how little he is on this one. I'm sure I'll look back on this picture in a few years and marvel at how big he gotten.

After Jacob got off work, he came and joined us. We met up at the end of Main Street just as they were lowering the flag.

We were surprised by the fireworks they set off. Must be because it's Veteran's day.

The four of us stopped at the Starbucks on Main Street to get a treat. Ian enjoyed bits of a cream cheese pretzel.

I always crack up when I see someone wearing a one of these sweatshirts like this. Hilarious.

Finally a place Ian can stretch his legs. It's so crowded everywhere else.

Next, we went back to it's a small world and saw the holiday lights.

I want my house to look like this!

I think he was happy to ride in the Ergo.

The inside is also decorated for the holidays, and the kids are singing a combination of it's a small world and Christmas carols.

Plus all the extra decorations are great.

So pretty.

Shortly after leaving it's a small world, Ian conked out. Time to go on Buzz Lightyear.

It's obviously Ian's bedtime, so we pack up and get ready to go. On the way out, we get held up while the parade passes. Fine by me. We get to see Pooh riding his sled.

Poor Eeyore with his broken sled.

And I was happy to see Anna and Olaf from Frozen.

Plus Queen Elsa.

Happy birthday Ian! Hope you had fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I am so glad that you all had great time in Disneyland! Thank you very much for sharing the photographs. At some local NY venues we also celebrated our daughter’s 6th birthday in Disneyland style. She totally enjoyed her day!
