
Friday, March 27, 2015

2015 Disneyland Egg-stravaganza Easter Egg scavenger hunt

Theresa and I are off work today and figured there's no better place to spend the day than Disneyland. There's a couple fun events going on that we were excited to do today. The first is an Easter Egg Scavenger hunt around Disneyland.

Ian's had a good day and was waving "hi" to other kids on the trams.

It's a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky. Temps are going to hit the 90s so it's also going to be a warm one.

Our first stop was the Pioneer Mercantile in Frontierland to grab our map and set of stickers.

Here's what it looks like for reference. There's a total of 12 eggs scattered around Disneyland. There are hints on the map telling you where to go.

This is what we're going to do today?

If you're going to be doing this yourself, you should skip to the end. I'll be showing exactly where the eggs are, so stop reading!

Still here? Okay. The first clue on the map tells us to head to the Frontierland entrance. Hmm, what are we going to find here...

It's Donald! He's pretty well hidden too. I wonder how difficult some of these are going to be.

T loves doing this kind of thing at Disneyland.

At the Adventureland Bazaar we find Daisy hiding above the sign.

The New Orleans Square fountain area is next on our list. Ian bebopped to some live jazz music as we walked by.

Here at the fountain, we had to find another egg. I had wondered how we'd find some of the more difficult ones. Turns out it was pretty easy for just about all of them. All you had to do was look for the large group of people gathered around pointing in some obscure direction.

Thumper decided to climb a tree and hide by the fountain. I wonder how they chose where to put each character. I get that Disney probably already had these eggs from a past year. I just think it would have been even more awesome if the eggs matched the land they were in. Perhaps a Tiana egg (from The Princess and the Frog) for New Orleans would have been more appropriate.

Ducks! Apparently they enjoy Kix. They're kid tested and now duck approved.

Next we had to look for an egg around the Haunted Mansion. I wonder if it might be hiding around the rail that's being sanded in the middle of the day while guests walk by...

Nope. Little do unsuspecting guests know, but Pluto is looking down on them as they exit the mausoleum.

Theresa taking just a little time to smell the beautiful roses.

We took a brief break from our scavenger hunt to head to the Big Thunder Ranch festival arena where the Springtime Round-up is going on. You can read all about that here.

After meeting all the Disney bunnies, it was time to continue our egg hunt.
Chip was hiding behind Stromboli's wagon.

To beat the heat, T bought a pineapple spear and a large slice of watermelon. Ian enjoyed both.

Mr. Toad was hiding behind the Dumbo topiary.

Ian loved the carrousel last time we were here. Now he's trying to do tricks.

High-five mommy.

It was no surprise finding Tinker Bell around Pixie Hollow.

At the Snow White Grotto, Dale was lurking behind some shrubs.

The map said we would find our next egg at the Fantasy Faire. I know this has caused confusion before because the name is so similar to the Princess Fantasy Faire back by "it's a small world". The three of us looked around for a couple minutes with no success when a cast member said "can I give you a hint?" She told us that the map should have said Fantasy Faire Gifts instead of just Fantasy Faire. That's not a hint! That's a typo that should have been fixed either by moving the egg here, or telling us about it when we bought the map!

Over by the Fantasy Faire gift shop right outside the Princess Fantasy Faire, we discovered the White Rabbit.

Just a couple more eggs to go! The Astro Orbitor at the entrance to Tomorrowland was our next stop. T and I circled the ride a few times, looking around the nearby planter boxes, up on the old People Mover track, and on the ride itself, but with no luck. We weren't alone in our quest either. Lots of people holding egg hunt maps were wandering unsuccessfully around the ride.
T and I expanded our search area and found Goofy underneath the fruit trees by the hub.

Ian, where's the egg? Mickey Mouse was on a planter outside the Emporium.

And inside the Emporium, Minnie Mouse was looking down on us from above.

Our quest complete, it was time to collect our prize!

Ian handed the cast member our map, and he stamped the back of it showing that we completed it.

Ian randomly chose the yellow egg.

And the prize was a Mr. Toad easter egg!

Congratulations Ian and Theresa!

Taking a peek at all the eggs waiting for their owners. This cast member was putting together bags of 6 eggs for the people who bought 6 maps and wanted the 6 different egg types they were offering here. I love the eggs, but they're a little pricy for me to do that. At $5.50 per egg, that's $33 if you wanted the Pluto, Goofy, White Rabbit, Thumper, Mr Toad and Tinker Bell.

I love special events like this from Disney! We all had a great time!

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