
Sunday, March 1, 2015

2015 Spring Dapper Day weekend - Sunday

Sunday is finally here and it's Dapper Day!

After a fantastic night's sleep, the three of us headed to downtown Disney for breakfast.

For a little boy who likes to grab papers, this rack was an attraction in itself.

While T was getting her Jamba Juice, Ian and I found a quarter on the ground. I showed him how to toss it into the fountain, and after he learned that so quickly, I found some more coins in my pocket to give him.

Aww, thanks Mommy. A little Jamba just for him.

Someone's happy.

For breakfast, we tried the quick take-out at Jazz Kitchen Express. I had the Breakfast Burrito which was delicious, while T had fried potatoes (think Arby's Hash Browns). I only wish I'd have ordered some beignets to go along with it. We took all the food up to the room, used the coffee table and had a relaxing breakfast.

Checkout time was 11am, but the front desk allowed us to push it to noon. Ian's nap time was fast approaching so we put him in his stroller and rolled him in to the bathroom while we packed up the main room. We'll have the hotel hold on to our bags while we spend the day in the parks, so as soon as the bellman came to pick them up, we were off and into the parks.

Just before noon, we entered the park and strolled down Main Street amid other dappered up guests. The skies were starting to threaten rain. I was hoping it would hold off for a little bit longer.

Halfway down Main Street, I heard from a Micechat friend Cassie that she was just entering the park. The skies were just starting to drop some rain. Ian woke up just in time to take a picture.

After we left, the skies opened up. Before the trip, I had neglected to pack an umbrella, so our plan if it rained was to just duck into an attraction or shop and wait it out. Knowing our location on Main Street though, there was one place I was really hoping was unoccupied. Amid all the store fronts and doors lies a classic front porch. I've always wanted to spend time people watching but so often when I  walk by, it's already occupied. Imagine my delight when we approached it and there was an open spot!

Now that he's awake he was happy.

I need to teach him "smile" as his next trick.

It was great being able to slow down and watch everyone walking by. It really fits into our whole weekend theme of enjoying the experience without having to actually go on rides.

Ian enjoyed hanging out on the porch.

It's a rainy day. Fur coat. Olaf umbrella.

The push-broom and squeegee team from Disneyland came to clear all the standing water from the curbs.

Ian enjoyed standing on the porch and waving at the passers by. It was really cute and it got a lot of big smiles from people.

Using his "come here" sign. Why are you all walking out there when you could be under this porch out of the rain?

As this guest was walking by, I asked Ian where was Duffy and he pointed straight at her. When their group stopped under a nearby awning, I took the opportunity to grab a quick picture.

For lunch, I ran across the street and grabbed a hot dog and pretzel.

Hot dogs are delicious.

After the rain abated, we abandoned our cozy nook, after spending nearly 90 minutes there. Off to the Grand Californian lobby to meet up with Ruston.

He's here with his friend Nut and they're all looking very dapper.

Ruston is Disney bounding as Mickey Mouse. Those bright yellow shoes are wild.

Hi Mr. Piano Player. I had to keep a close eye on Ian here. Whenever he sees a piano, he has a habit of trying to press the keys.

Dapper family.

We spent the next hour chatting, wandering the lobby, looking at the fireplace, and stealing apple juice from other sleeping babies... Yes, Ian happened to snag another kid's sippy cup before we could stop him.
Good to see you Ruston! Until next time.

Time to head back into the parks. The Dapper Dans were performing on Main Street and surrounded by lots of other dapper folks.

Glad the weather has cleared up. The front of the castle was bustling with dressed up guests socializing.


A very short time later, Matt, Amy and their family joined us at the castle.

We might be missing a couple kids here, but 6 out of 8 isn't bad.

There's Charlotte.

Ian liked Katherine's bow. Sorry for messing up her hair!

Time to say our goodbyes. We got in some hugs and made promises to meet again when they're out again for the next Dapper Day. Great seeing you and your whole family again Matt. Nice to finally meet the girls.

Even with all the people in the parks, the carrousel only had a 5 minute wait. This would turn out to be the only ride we would do today. I think the carrousel will become a staple on future visits.

At this point, Ian discovered how hilarious my suspenders could be.

One more group of friends to visit before we head home. Our neighbors Gene, Grace, and their son are hanging out in DCA.

Hi guys!

Ah, the perils of having more than one camera out at a time. No one knows which one to look at.

We said our goodbyes, then left for the Grand Californian to pick up our luggage and our car and then head home.
This was a fantastic Dapper Day weekend. I like the Spring event so much better than the Fall event. I'll take a little bit of rain instead of the blazing heat any day.

Hope you enjoyed reading about our experience. I highly recommend coming out and dressing up for Dapper Day. The Dapper Day Fall Soirée is Sept 18th, 2015 and hotel rooms are already available for half price!

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