
Friday, March 27, 2015

Visiting the Easter Bunnies at Disneyland

Theresa and I were off work today and decided we needed to go to Disneyland. After all, we're nearing the anniversary of Ian's very first trip to Disneyland ever!
Here's Ian a little over 11 months ago.

And here's Ian today!
What a difference a year makes! The Easter Bunny on the other hand hasn't changed a bit.
The three of us began the day doing a scavenger hunt for easter eggs around the park. We're taking a quick break from that so we can meet some bunnies at the Springtime Roundup.

Quite the shindig they've got going on back there.

When you go meet the Easter Bunny at the mall, you only get to see one bunny. When you go to Disneyland though, you'll meet a lot more!

I suppose it's been a while since Ian's been around a Disney character. He was a little timid at first, but at least he didn't freak out. The White Rabbit was nice and slow for him, holding out his paw and letting him touch it.

Even still, when it was time for the picture, he preferred to have his mommy between him and the rabbit.

Next up was Brer Rabbit. Instead of just a quick photo and we're done experience, Brer Rabbit started off with the same "touch my paw" trick as the White Rabbit. Ian was starting to warm up to them now and handed Brer Rabbit his Easter Duffy toy.

Brer Rabbit poked Ian's nose, and Ian enjoyed poking his nose back. Even my nose got poked by Brer Rabbit.

At the end, Ian was all smiles from this experience.

So when we went to meet Thumper, Ian was still doing great and even gave him a kiss on the nose.

Thanks Thumper!

Mickey and Minnie were out in their spring outfits, and we would have loved to get a picture with them. Sadly as we were walking over from our experience with Thumper, two cast members closed off the end of the line. No pictures with the big cheese today.

How about we color instead.

We found a table in the shade, grabbed some crayons and colored our own set of bunny ears.

The first three bunnies all went back to take a nap and three more bunnies came out to take their place. It's the Easter Bunny! I let Ian decide what he wanted to do on this one. I put him down and he walked over to the Easter Bunny all by himself when it was his turn. So brave!

He looks so happy in this picture.

Getting a great big bunny hug.

I'm assuming everyone has seen Finding Nemo and knows that when Crush the sea turtle says "Noggin" his boy Squirt and him bump heads. Ian will do the same thing when I say Noggin, so here he is bumping heads with the Easter Bunny.

Family picture with the Easter Bunny.

This was a very loving bunny. Not only did Ian get a hug goodbye, but I got one as well.

And Theresa wasn't left out either.

Next up was Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh. To our surprise, once it was our turn, Ian wasn't interested in getting down to see him.

Theresa held him though and got a little closer and Ian decided Rabbit was alright after all.

Clapping for Rabbit.

Our last visit was with Roger Rabbit. No signs of Jessica anywhere so far. Again I let Ian do what he wanted and he walked right up to Roger and grabbed his finger.

Let's go for a walk.

About 2 steps in, Ian decided that was enough holding on to Roger's hand and decided to wander. Roger followed after him waving his hands in the air as if to say "what about me?"

Finally Ian stopped and looked up. He was a little surprised to see a 6' tall rabbit hovering over him.


Ian continued his wandering, with Roger following behind. Eventually Ian was happy to put his Duffy on the planter and him and Roger played with it for a little while. The line to wait for Roger was probably 12 people deep, but I was happy that Roger was taking time to play a little.

I asked Ian if he could give Roger a hug and he was happy to do so.

Good job interacting with characters today buddy.

Time to check out a few of the other offerings back here. For lunch, Ian grabbed a hot dog and ate nearly the entire dog. Good appetite for him today.

There was also a cookie decorating kit you could purchase. I don't really think of cookies though when I think Easter.

There's a special pin trading board back here, all decorated for Easter. I neglected to ask what was in the plastic eggs. I wonder if they might have been mystery pins.

Lastly it was time to check out the Amazing Egg Decorators.

These ladies have been hard at work for the past couple weeks painting some beautiful eggs.

Lacey showing off her work-in-progress of Tramp and Lady painted on an emu egg.

Don't see Merlin all that often anymore, do you.

I recognize a few of these from last year.

No surprise to see Olaf this year.

Inside this case were dozens of beautiful eggs.

I found Jessica!

The shape of R2-D2 lends himself very well as an egg decoration. 

The three of us all had some awesome experience this year at the Springtime Roundup. It's fast becoming a Flowers' family tradition. Time to continue the Easter Egg scavenger hunt! You can pick up the rest of the story here.

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