
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Flying to Florida and relaxing at the house

At the airport again? Where are we off to now?
Ian, better make sure you get to come with.

I fit! I can fly!
We're going all the way to Florida, but we've got a layover first. After that trip to Colorado, T and I learned our lesson and bought Ian his own seat. That turned out to be a great idea and Ian had a fantastic flight. He loved walking up and down the aisle, waving at people, and standing in his own chair. By feeding him cheerios and milk, we were able avoid any crying due to pressure on his ears.

I told you we're connecting right? Any guesses where? Giant boot. Rodeo sign. If you guessed Texas you're right!

Aww, so cute.

With 2 hours to kill, we wandered around the terminal looking for lunch/dinner. I found some delicious chicken wings from Buffalo Wild Wings, while T and Ian got Wendy's. And what's this? A Baskin Robbins in the terminal? Mmm. Ice cream. Sadly it turned out to be a bit of a letdown. The scooped ice-cream was soft like soft serve ice-cream. It was melting before we left the store.

Soon enough it was time to board our plane to Florida. Ian was pretty worn out and was asleep before we left the ground and stayed asleep until we landed in Florida a little over 2 hours later. It was awesome! I was able to catch up so much in my book.

We're in Florida! Add one more state to Ian's list!

After picking up the rental car, we all drove to the house we're renting for the week. Now on some trips I know there's nothing better than staying on Disney property and being so close to the parks all the time. I love how we do these vacations though, where we rent a house a couple miles from the parks with 6 bedrooms, a full kitchen, a game room and a private pool. The whole family can hang out together in one place.

Time for bed.

It's Easter Sunday!
The morning started in the game room. Ian enjoyed pool table very much. I turned a cue into one that was more his size.

But he didn't see the point of that. It's much easier to place the balls into the pockets directly.

Our group is mostly complete, but we're still 2 people short. Like I said, it's Easter Sunday and T's brother Donald is the worship leader at Kirby Church in Michigan. They have a live stream during their services, so the family gathered around the TV to watch.

Ian kept eyeing the pool out back. We started with the whirlpool.

Ian loved splashing in it.

Next we tried out his new puddle jumpers. Tyler is in the background hiding easter eggs. We're keeping Ian distracted so he doesn't see where they're hidden...

Loves splashing.

Watching Ethan blow bubbles.

Let me grab one!

Next it was time for the egg hunt. Ian went first in the backyard.

Found one!

The classy plastic shopping bag Easter basket. After finding each egg, he'd sit down and open it to see what's inside.

After Ian found his eggs first, then it was time for the bigger kids to find theirs. Ty was quite a bit trickier with these.

He was a good uncle pointing out a few eggs for Ian to find too.

Yep, eggs could be anywhere!


Thanks Uncle Ty.

For meals at the house, each family takes a dinner. That way you only have to think about making food one day on the entire vacation. T and I are doing Easter dinner for everyone, including ham, cheddar potato bake, green beans, and Hawaiian rolls.

Mmm. Hawaiian rolls.

Loving all the attention he's getting from his cousins.

I'm pretty sure we didn't wait the required 1 hour before getting into the pool.

Practicing floating on his back.

Alright let's get that puddle jumper on.

Ready, set, go!

Over the course of the week he got better and better swimming by himself. In the beginning though, when he'd lay on his back, he'd get too excited and splash water into his own face.

Only had to pool to ourselves for a little while. Soon we were invaded with cousins!

Her certainly loves his cousins.

What could be better on a hot day than an Otter Pop. I can't ever remember the last time I had one of those, and I think this was Ian's first!

Hi kids. They took really good care of Ian in the pool.

Practicing our trick.

Splashdown into the pool!

Going swimming with Uncle Ty.

He loved the pool. I think he's going to spend a whole lot more time in here this vacation.

Tomorrow we're headed to Typhoon Lagoon!

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