
Monday, June 20, 2016

2016 Pasadena Chalk Festival - Day 2

Happy Father's Day! The kids are awake early, so I'm awake early. I asked Ian what he wanted for breakfast. He said "Bacon and cheese." That's my boy.

I'm really happy Ruston and I finished our chalk mural yesterday. Today the pressure is off and we can just enjoy looking around the festival at all the other artists. Alli's really interested in my badge.

It was an easy morning drive up to Pasadena. I tell you, when you go at the right times, these 5 lane freeways can really move. The first stop was the auction tent where we saw that Ruston's painting was now up to $45! Nice!

Ruston and I were both anxious to see how our mural would fare overnight. Would the cones and extra tape keep people out?
Success! Everything was as we left it!

Time to peel up the tape.

Ian wanted to say he helped with the mural too. We figured this was the best way for him to be involved.

Let's check out a few other murals while we're at it. Ian called this one "Finding Nemo Finding Dory".

Our intro to chalk painting instructor Randall Williams.

Shaina Joel won Best Technique as a newcomer last year. This year she won 2nd Best in Festival.

Nice to have free beverages being sampled today. The Mountain Dew tent was sampling classic Dew, diet Dew, Code Red, Baja Blast, Pitch Black, and various flavors of Kickstart. After trying a sample, they said, "If you like it, I'll give you a can." Awesome!

Someone doesn't like cats.

This Looney Tunes logo by Gus Moran and team looked fantastic, and went on to win Best Animation Mural.

Seeing all the chalk made Ian want to play with it too. Luckily they have a kids area where they can go crazy.

Uncle Ruston helping him color.

Thanks Buddy!

Last year Charlotte Scovill recreated the post from My Fair Lady. I like her rendition of the stained glass window from Beauty and the Beast even better!

Some people brought props to go along with their art.

Lots of tributes to recently deceased celebrities. Alan Rickman from many movies, including Snape from Harry Potter.

Along with the chalk murals, there is also a classic car show on Sunday afternoon.

Ian wanted to ride with the bears in this Yellowstone Park tour bus.

One of the most unique cars I've seen here was this 1939 GM Futurliner.

We're hitting the hottest part of the day, so let's continue the tradition of having lunch at Islands. This is their busiest day of the year, but getting a table only took 25 minutes.

Whew! It is a hot one! So nice not to be working on our mural right now.

Smile everyone! Enjoy the burgers?

After lunch we'd continue walking around looking at different murals.

I found this mural by Jamie Leake humorous.

Checking in with our chalk neighbor John Vaughn. He chose a really detailed piece to reproduce. Well the face is looking good.

Our neighbor from last year, 12 year old Abby.

And we'll end with what was voted Best in Festival as well as People's Choice, the photo-realistic David Bowie by Shuji Nishimura. Incredible.

Time to head home. One more photo in front of ours.
It's hot and it's bright. Can't blame the kids for not looking up at the camera.

Anyone surprised?

Ruston would return to the Paseo the next day to see how everything fared, plus get some photos of murals that were still in work when we left. Ours is still looking good. A few footprints, plus some puppy paw prints in the upper corner.

Inside Out! Love how colorful this one is.

El Barto in 3D.

Moe Notsu paying tribute to Michael Jackson and Prince.

I told Ruston to make sure he took a picture of Charlotte's completed Beauty and the Beast.

A couple teams chose Zootopia.

Gloria Ing won for Best Techinique.

Sarah Flores won Best in Chalk of Fame for her Star Wars VII BB-8 and Rey.

Aladdin. The Cave of Wonders turned out great.

A cool retro Star Wars poster.

Well I hope you've enjoyed a look into the 24th Annual 2016 Pasadena Chalk Festival. Next year will be an even bigger celebration, as it's the 25th anniversary! The organizers are inviting the Guinness Book of World Records to come declare it as the Largest Display of Chalk Pavement Art. I'll see you there next year!

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