
Monday, May 30, 2016

Colorado Springs Memorial Day visit

A bit late getting it posted, here it is. Over the Memorial Day break, we went to Colorado to visit family!

Ian loves it when we get out the suitcases. "I'm ready to go!"

Getting through security at the airport was no problem, and Ian became an honorary TSA officer.

FaceTiming with Gram before we get on the plane.

After an uneventful flight, we landed in Denver. We hopped on the fun tram that takes you to the main terminal.

Alli's happy to be here.

That's one more state to check off her list. So far, she's a great traveler.

Picking us up from the airport was Pop Pop

and Uncle Patrick!

Ian had so much fun playing with all the old toys that I used to play with. My mom doesn't throw out anything.

Enough playing. Let's eat! The Mickey cup is mine!

Enjoying a yummy breakfast on the back deck with Pop Pop.

We had a really fun time sampling Japanese Kit-Kat flavors with friends. Theresa thought it would be fun to do it with the Colorado family here.

Ian somehow managed to find the big piece whenever it was his turn.

Oh Patrick. After cutting up all 28 flavors, there'd be little chocolate bits left over. Even the Genie on his shirt looks dubious about eating it.

Relaxing on the couch with Uncle Patrick and Aunt Megan.

We enjoyed a tasty lunch at my favorite Korean restaurant ever with Theresa's cousin and his family.

Back home, Ian really liked playing with the trains.

Watching old home movies always brings a smile. During high school, we were part of the MatchWits team. Every year, we'd get invited to appear on a televised competition. Yes that's my brother Jon next to me, as well as Theresa.

A short video clip.

Enjoying the nice weather outside. Alli sure looks happy on Pop Pop's shoulders.

Gram made Ian a hiding hole.

And Ian got comfortable.

Alli having fun playing with toys.

And being with Gram.

Heading to the nearby park to expend some energy.

Is there any kid that doesn't like to do "underdogs"?

Going down the slide with Alli.

Helping Gram in the back yard with the plants.

Pulling grass from where it doesn't belong.

Going over to Uncle Patrick's house to see Wicket.

Alli sure got a kick out of the doggie.

Happy girl.

Visits from the Aunts.

All too soon it was time to go back to Los Angeles. Let's get some pictures first.

Saying goodbye at the airport. We had a fun visit!

He's a little more somber on the tram ride back home.

Such a happy traveler. Let's hope it continues.

And we'll end how these trip reports usually end; with one of the kids asleep.

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