
Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Disneyland Sunday with Gram

Happy Sunday! We've been going to Disneyland early Sunday morning for the past few weeks. Since Gram is out visiting, this week she is coming with us too!

The park opens at 9am today and already at 8:55 the parking structure was really backed up.

Hi Gram and Alli!

Along with being Sunday, it's also the first weekend of Halloween Time! I happened to bring a couple pumpkins along with me!

Along the tram ride we were getting Ian excited about all the Halloween stuff we're going to see. I told Ian to keep his eyes out for an enormous Mickey Mouse pumpkin and tell me when he sees it.

Shortly after entering the park, Ian spotted it. I played along a little bit though. Where is it Ian? I don't see it.

It's there! We'll stop by later for a picture when the line isn't so long.

Because we left the house as soon as the kids woke up, there was no time for coffee. Good thing there's a Starbucks on Main Street now. I waited with the stroller outside, and as we were waiting a cast member came up and gave Mickey stickers to the kids.

Ian promptly stuck his to his face, while Alli started to crumple hers.

Let me help you with that?

Fun seeing the new Halloween offerings. There's poison apple mugs here filled with fruit. I think they're $12.99.

Just about every visit we encounter a horse on Main Street, and every time I end up getting a picture like this.


First ride of the day! Teacups with Gram!

Next ride was Ian's favorite roller coaster. Gadget's Go Coaster. And he wants to ride it a lot. We've made 3 the maximum number of times he can go on it.

First time is with Mommy.

Waving to Alli from the top of the lift hill.

Next up, let's ride with Gram!

Ride #2

When the cast member asked us how many, we said 4, but that we'd need 3 rows. Jacob and I are a little too big to squeeze into one!

Whee! Such a good view from up here!

Someone gets really excited to ride! He runs from the exit back into the line to go again.

Next time is with Jacob!

Hi Ian and Jacob!

I love how you'll see characters wandering through Toon Town.

Next it's time for it's a small world.


Alli really likes this one. She will hold onto the row in front and bounce up and down as we're going along in the boat.

Can't go to Disneyland without a ride on the carrousel. We're pretty far back in the queue though. There's no way we could possibly ride on...

Jingles!!! I was really surprised Jingles was still free, but hey alright!

Ian's very first ride on Jingles! And Alli got her first ride on Jingles last week. We've had great luck over the past few weeks!

Fun times at Disneyland.

Time to head over to Winnie the Pooh.

We've had pretty good luck with lines today. For the things we like to ride, nothing has been over 10 minutes!

And to round out the trip, we'll pay a visit to the Tiki Room. I love that Ian sings along with all the songs.

Told you we'd get a photo in front of the pumpkin!

Walking back to the car through Downtown Disney, a Jamba Juice was sounding really good. The kids thought so too! Both of them drained their small cups of smoothie.

Glad you could join us at Disneyland Gram! I know Ian enjoyed going on all the rides with you.
Normally we'd stay a little longer, but Theresa and I have to get home. Tonight Ruston has invited us to join him at a One Night Only filming of Newsies Live!

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