
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

First Christmas and Thanksgiving in Michigan

There's only a few more days for us here in Michigan, but there's still plenty to do!
On Tuesday, everyone was prepping for the praise giving service at church. As people started leaving in different cars to go to church, I saw Ian over on the side on the exercise bike. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Riding ducky to church." Cute.

And happened to get some video of it too.

Uncle Donald has been the worship pastor here since 1995, and he's developed the band into a big production. And let me tell you, they can get loud! This is the very end of the service, where people have already headed out to the foyer for apple cider and donuts.

Despite being so loud Ian passed out.

But, the promise of going up on stage with Uncle Don and playing drums woke him right up. Boy did he love playing those drums.

The next day, it was time to celebrate Christmas with all the Michigan family. Yep, Christmas before Thanksgiving. Ian was helping Aunt Amy put the bows on the presents.

And Alli was learning how to take bows off presents.

This makes people cheer for me?

Now I'm a present!

Opening up the first gift of Christmas. It's a Mickey Mouse coloring book!

She was liking the bows more than the presents!


Here you go brother. I can share.

It made Ian pretty happy.

She loved shaking those maracas.

Alli got a cupcake playset, but Ian pretty much took it over.

Aww. Alli got her very first baby doll. Too bad I didn't have video going. She started saying "bay-bay"

And giving her baby doll kisses.

Oh boy. After all that fun Ian was having on the drums. Now he had his own set of instruments to bang on and make noise with back home. Thanks a lot Donald.

Good times hanging out with the whole family.

The next day was Thanksgiving. Always wanting to help out in the kitchen, Ian did his best to help out Aubrey with the deviled eggs.

Donald woke up early to get the Thanksgiving turkey started. Turned out pretty good I think.

Happy Thanksgiving!


And Ian's big enough to sit at the kids table now!

After lunch, the kids started making pumpkin cookies, but were missing the cream cheese for the frosting. You know what that means.

Road trip! Yikes! Getting in the car with Aubrey who also has her learners permit.

The next day was Friday and it was finally time to head home. It's a long flight back to Los Angeles from here. Alli was tired and luckily Grandpa was able to get her to sleep for an hour.

Made it to Phoenix! Plenty of time to kill before our next flight, so let's find some food! After wandering around the terminal, we decided on Mexican food. Oh man, we should have checked Yelp first. Los Taquitos was terrible food, and their 2 out of 5 stars on Yelp would have warned us away.

Bleh. Have to get some ice cream from McDonalds to make up for that.

Alli was making a lot of use of her baby sign language. "More, more, more."

Just one more quick plane flight and then we're home!

Arriving in Los Angeles, and walking up the jet bridge, Ian asked "Where are we?" The airport. "Again?"
Yes, again. But this time we're home!

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