
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Visiting the Bakers for New Years

After visiting Colorado for Christmas, there's one more stop to make before we go home. Luckily our plane wasn't full so Alli got a seat all to herself! It made it so much easier than trying to keep her corralled on my lap.

As soon as we landed, both Ian and Alli officially get another state to add to their list of states visited. Kansas!
Alli is catching up to Ian. Only Hawaii separates the two of them now!

States Ian's Visited

States Alli's Visited

While we waited for our ride, Theresa kept us entertained by singing songs and playing the ukulele.

And the kids were easily distracted by suckers.

Both of them were pretty worn out though. On the ride in the car, both fell asleep, still clutching their suckers.

Guaranteed sweet dreams.

Who are we visiting? It's the Bakers! They were our very good friends from California who moved away about a year ago. They've got a daughter who is about a year younger than Ian.

And a little boy who we haven't even seen in person yet!

We spent our time just hanging out together, eating yummy food and playing with toys.

Wow how time passes. Seems like not that long ago Ian was that small.

Making brownies. Yum. Ian always wants to help in the kitchen.

How do you keep 4 kids distracted while the parents make dinner? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse of course.

Oh man. This pony was one of Alli's favorite toys. I think she might have learn how to say "please" out loud just for this. She's been pretty good about using baby sign language before to say please, but for this she'll give you the sign and also say "PEEEEES!" How can you say no to that.

To ring in the New Year, Lacey put together a smorgasbord of meats, cheeses, and crackers. We flipped through the various New Years programs on TV then watched the ball drop at midnight. Here's to a prosperous 2017.

The Bakers certainly have a lot of fun toys.

Alli had fun looking at herself on the camera screen and then putting on glasses.

And along with Please, she's also getting pretty good as saying Cheese!

Both Ian and Alli loved the little Cozy Coupe.

And it was always nice to have an adult to push them around. Crazy how two of them can squeeze into that one little car.

And yes, you can fit all 4 kids into/onto one car.

Time for the kids to exchange Christmas presents.

Thanks for the fun Mickey hats!

Well we certainly had fun hanging out for a few days. It was nice not to have any plans and just be able to hang around the house and catching up on the past year.
Time to head home though...

Where Grandpa and Grammy were happily waiting for us. After all that traveling, it was certainly good to be back home.

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