
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
This year in preparation for Valentine's Day, Theresa and I asked our families to send the kids Valentines in the mail. Both Ian and Alli had decorated shoeboxes to put them in as they came. Ian really loved decorating his shoebox.

 And if we're hoping to get valentines, we better send some out too. The kids decorated over 20 cards with stickers and drawings, and Ian even practiced writing his name in a few.

A few weeks ago, T and I brought home over 30 kids books from the library all about Valentine's Day, and we'd read the kids the books every night before bed. So for at least 2 straight weeks we'd also hear Ian ask "Is it Valentine's Day tomorrow?"

Finally the 14th arrived! Both kids were excited by the heart balloons, candy, and cards.

We started the morning by letting them give their valentines to each other. Cards and heart shaped boxes of chocolate.

Once Mommy left for work, I pulled out one more present for them. A flower for each of them. Mommy will be getting flowers at work, so I wanted to make sure they stayed a surprise. I guess I haven't really given Alli many flowers because this one quickly went toward her mouth. These are for smelling Alli, not eating!

That's right Ian.

The kids have enjoyed getting cards and presents in the mail.

And putting them in their shoeboxes to open later.

Cards too.

After getting home from work, T and I got started on our usual Valentines dinner. We don't care to go out and deal with the crowds. Instead I grill steaks and king crab legs, while T makes cheese fondue. Mmm.

And since the fondue pot is out already, why not chocolate fondue for dessert.

Someone definitely enjoyed it.

After dinner it was time to give Valentine's presents. Mommy and the kids got me a chocolate orange. Yum! While he was handing it to me, Ian was already asking if we could open it up to have some. Let's open your boxes and see what you're getting first buddy.

Alli found some chocolate pretty quickly.

And Ian was happy hearing all the nice things people wrote about him and getting presents.

We got a lot of great homemade cards.

Alli isn't sure what to do about the money yet.

Gram and Pop Pop sent her a picture of everyone together.

Better give them a kiss.

Excited for more envelopes to open.

Thanks for the drawing Isaac! He was wondering if it was supposed to be BB-8.

Gram and Pop Pop sent another box along, filled with stickers, suckers and more valentines. Alli quickly gathered the suckers.

And then asked mommy "pweease" enough that she got to have a sucker.

Thank you everyone for the valentines!

Alli wasn't so much interested in the picture. She just knew there was chocolate buried under there somewhere.

And where did I put that sucker?

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

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