
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday at Walt Disney World - Part 2

After getting Ian's first hair cut this morning at the Harmony Barbershop on Main Street, it was time to start going on rides! Why yes, we can squeeze 8 people into a People Mover car.

Going to Disneyland in California so frequently, I was happy to go on some rides that we don't have out there. The line for the People Mover backed up quite a ways, but at least there's some fun music to keep us entertained. And boy does this family love music.

The kids enjoyed it. Even mini-Space Mountain.

The park is already starting to get really busy. The Standby wait for Buzz Lightyear is over an hour. Good thing we made Fastpass+ reservations! In the beginning, I certainly had my concerns over the whole idea of making fast pass reservations months in advance and losing some of the spontaneity of the day. After this trip though, I'm a believer.

Looks like they had fun.

Go get a picture with Zurg Ian! You know, I remember years ago when the bars were spaced a bit further apart and you could actually stand inside with Zurg.

Yep, that was a few years ago. All the way back in 2010, us and a bunch of friends came out to Florida. Jacob, T, and I went to the Mickey's Halloween Party too!

Back to the present. Ian getting a little help from Ethan to make a pressed penny. Ian's standing on his tip-toes to help turn the crank.

Pretty proud of his new penny.

It always surprises me when I learn some of the family haven't been on some of the classic rides. Even though it could use an update, I still enjoy the Carousel of Progress. We have to stay behind the yellow line while we wait. Alli hearing that, and then pointing out the yellow line to us.

First timers.

Alli, let me know if you see a doggie.
Once we slide into the next scene, Alli starts pointing and saying Woof Woof!
Afterwards we were singing There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow. It'll probably enter the rotation of songs we sing together before bedtime now.

Alli was ready for a nap, which meant it was time for me to put on the Ergo. She's just more comfortable falling asleep in that compared to the stroller. Helps us keep the whole party together too. Looking for things with short lines, we found ourselves waiting for the Mad Tea Party.

Ian enjoyed seeing the mouse popping out of the tea pot in the middle. We don't have that back home.

For some reason, Rita and Theresa decided to bail. That meant that all of us, including Alli, got to squeeze into one tea cup.

I have no idea why Rita and T wouldn't want to join us.

It didn't take long after that for Alli to wake up, and as soon as she saw the carrousel, she started saying "Pweese, Pweese, Pweese." Of course Alli.

Always an enjoyable ride on the carrousel.

Next it was time to redeem another Fastpass+ reservation. Winnie the Pooh is a favorite back home. Of course we had to see it here at WDW.

Ian asked why it was different.

Pretty slick that you exit right into the gift shop. And look at all these stuffed animals. How could these kids resist?

Alli was happy to grab a Winnie the Pooh.

And another.

In the end, I think she had 5 stuffed animals in a big hug. Luckily for T and I, she was okay when it was time to say goodbye to them.

Ian's grandparents gave him some money to spend on a treat while he was at the park. Suckers are one of the favorites right now, so when he saw them, he was quick to ask for them.

Good sharing with your sister.

With a few minutes to go before the next Fastpass+ reservation, all of us jumped in line to see some characters.

"She bit it!"
While Ian actually licks his suckers, Alli has learned that she can eat it faster if she bites and crunches it. So when Ian offered her some of his, she was quick to take a bite off it.

Hi Daisy!

I had to hold Alli back while we waited our turn to see Minnie.

Kisses for Minnie.

Time for one last ride before lunch. Ian saw this ride and immediately said he wanted to ride Gadget's Go-Coaster. They don't have that here buddy. This is Goofy's Barnstormer. "They call Gadget's Go-Coaster Goofy's Barnstormer?" Guess so Ian. Using our Fastpass+ we bypassed the 40 minute standby line and walked right on.

And of course he loved it!

Let's ride that again!
Maybe Ian. Right now it's lunchtime and we've got reservations somewhere! And unfortunately, we're going to be late! Good thing everyone else is there already. Time to run!

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