
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Koko Head Crater Hike - Day 5 and 6

Well after a very eventful evening with Alli in the ER, I could use a down day. Monday was just a day to hang out at the house.
The next day, we'd have plenty of stuff to do and see.

Alli getting some attention after her fun night.

Ian was a little water bug, spending all day in the pool.

But still taking time out to help bring in the groceries. With 16 people the food goes fast.

Mmm. Spaghetti.

This is where I spent most of my nights after everyone went to bed. Out on the back deck. I'd grab a snack, grab a book, and read out under the stars. Can't beat it.

The next morning, Alli is certainly in good spirits. Looks like she's helping Gram mix her coffee.

My brother Jon visits Hawaii for work every once in a while. I asked him for some things to do, and he suggested a few hikes in the area. One was easy to see every time you drove by.
The Koko Head trail goes straight up the mountain. I'd mention it to Tyler or Donald whenever we'd go by, but they weren't interested in hiking it with me. So who can I get to come with me?

How about Jon! He just happened to be flying through, and even though he only got a few hours of sleep, he was up for an early morning hike. And you know my dad is always up for a hike.

Here we go! Over a thousand steps, straight up. This was originally a tramway leading to an Army lookout post, so there's railroad ties acting as steps all the way up. Because it's so old, many of the steps are worn, uneven, and it's impossible to get into any kind of rhythm.

There's a small portion where you climb across a bridge. No handrails or anything.

The spacing of the ties isn't too close together, but you could probably slip through them if you tried. It's probably 15-20 feet above the ground. Nothing too crazy.

The views along the way are pretty spectacular. I can see over into Hanauma Bay. I know Donald and Tyler had planned to go there today, but it looks very quiet. Turns out that it's closed every Tuesday to give everything a break.

That's where we've come from.

And that's where we're going.

Getting close to the top, it rained on us just a little.


Once up top, there was an amazing view of the sunrise.

Taking in the views.

Artists have turned the bunkers up here into a giant canvas.

Time to head back down.

There's a couple ways you can approach the bridge on the way down.

That's certainly another option.

We did it! And it's still early!

Alli was surprised to see her Uncle Jon.

And Ian loved the attention. After spending the morning hanging out in the pool and Jon had to get back and get his airplane prepped for the flight home.

The rest of us left for lunch at a Korean restaurant that was supposed to be pretty good.

Alli liked the fish tank.

And the owner took a liking to Ian. She invited him to come grab a toy.

On to Kailua Beach for the afternoon!

Making some sandcastles.

Enjoying the relaxing floats. Next time they need to remember to bring an anchor.

Catching some sun.

Both kids liked playing in the ocean too.

Some of the group split off to grab snow cones. My car though was headed home as fast as we could make it. Why? Because Jon's plane was taking off soon and I wanted to get pictures of it.

Within 5 minutes of getting home, Jon sent a text and a photo. "Off we go!"

There's his plane leaving the airport.

Flying behind Diamond Head.

And making the turn for the Mainland.

Great seeing you Jon!
Tomorrow will be another great day in Hawaii.

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