
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Fall 2017 Dapper Day weekend - Saturday

The great part about being in the Grand Californian Hotel is that as soon as you wake up, you can walk right out the door at be inside Disney's California Adventure.
Ian really wants to be tall enough for "that water ride". Those tiptoes didn't fool the cast member though. Just a couple more inches buddy.

Toy Story Midway Mania moves really quickly in the morning before all the fast passes are allowed on. We rode 2 or 3 times and walked right up!

Next it was time to ride on Mater's Junkyard Jamboree. Only 3 days after Halloween and all the decorations are gone.
Alli sprinting over to her blue-eyed baby tractor.

Mater is definitely a favorite.

The four of us hopped in line for Luigi's Tires, but we were the last ones through the doors before the ride broke and they closed them. T and Ian went off to ride Radiator Springs Racers. With nothing better to do, Alli and I waited while they fixed it.

Someone is having fun.

Ian and T won their race!

Time to cross over into Disneyland. The Haunted Mansion was the first ride on our list. Inside the portrait hallway Ian saw the pumpkin snowman and said "Splash Mountain!" Yes buddy, there is a pumpkin snowman on Splash Mountain. We'll see him in just a little bit.

Also on the Haunted Mansion, in the hallway after the conservatory in the area where all the doors are, there is a small stand with a book on it. It's flipped open, but it's awfully dark in here. I wonder what book it is and if it's flipped to those pages for a reason. Anyone know?

Being Dapper weekend, some of our friends from far away are here and visiting the parks too. Matt, Amy, and their 3 girls are here from Arizona. We met up with them in Toontown outside Roger Rabbit.

Let's take a spin!

Hi Katherine, Alli, and T!

And Amy and Victoria.

The kids all enjoyed playing with the various props that Toontown had to offer.

And they loved setting off the dynamite and making explosion sounds. Nice that it's working!

Where's Victoria? Follow the bubbles!

Wow. All 5 kids together and all 5 looking in the direction of the camera.

T and I had already planned on getting the kids bubble wands on this trip. With Alli and Ian getting some time to play with Victoria's wand and loving it, we knew we shouldn't wait around too long to get them. Pushing the stroller any time after this was humorous. Just one of these wands can put out a large cloud of bubbles. When you have 2 going together it's a bubble explosion and we had bubbles everywhere we went after this.

Since we're in the area, why not stop at Redd Rockett's Pizza Port. That chicken fusilli pasta is as good as I remember it.

Next it was time for Splash Mountain!

There's that pumpkin snowman you were remembering buddy.

You never know if you'll get a good photo coming down the mountain. The person sitting in front of us can be calm and quiet the entire ride, but then when you hit that final drop they become all animated and throw their hands in the air.
At least you can see that Ian's having a better time than that kid sitting in the front.

It's pushing past 2pm and we're getting into Alli's regular nap time. Time to head back to the hotel so she can get some sleep.

But while Alli and mommy are away, Ian and I can go play!

Off to Soarin.

And then Toy Story.

A ride on the swings.

And the Jumping Jellyfish.

A spin on Mater.

And since he missed it earlier, he wanted to ride on Luigi's cars.

So there's one ride that I've been holding off taking him on, even though technically he's tall enough. You can see it from all over the park, and he asks to ride it all the time. Hmm, should we or shouldn't we. Let's do it!

Which ride is it? Here's a hint.
"Show me those hands people. We've got clearance!"

We're riding Guardians of the Galaxy!
Ian loves getting tossed in the air and thrown around, so I was really hoping he'd like it. The people around us were all impressed that he was going on it and they were excited for his first time too!
At the top of the elevator shaft you get your picture taken. I'm pointing out that you can see Disneyland. He's got his ears covered, but otherwise he's seeing all there is to see.
When it was over, he got some people clapping for him and telling him Good Job. He looked at me and said "Again! Again!"

So off we went to ride it one more time.

And once again, he loved it. Sweet! Another thrill ride we can do!

And as luck would have it, as we were exiting Groot was walking by.

And Ian got to give him a high-five! He loved seeing Groot so I told him a little bit more about Groot and how all he ever says is "I am Groot." We went through a few examples, like Groot, what's your favorite ice cream? "I am Groot." Groot, what's your favorite ride? "I am Groot."
Ian got a really kick out of that and started answering me in a similar fashion. What do you want to ride next? "I am Ian!" Do you want a snack? "I am Ian!" Funny guy.

I'm glad you like the ride Ian!

Alli and T joined us shortly afterwards. Alli must have felt like being tall today, because she had no problem hitting the 36" mark to ride Tuck and Roll this time.


Jacob joined us shortly after that, and we went over to Paradise Pier to go on more rides. It was here that we discovered that Alli's bubble wand was missing the container on the bottom that holds the bubbles, so I went and backtracked our steps all the way to Bug's Land looking for it. No luck. Luckily the next day I went over to Lost and Found and they had extras there. Good to know!

Our day nearly over, it was time to get dinner.
Hey! Thor and Loki! They were quite popular with a long line of people waiting to see them.

Ah, one of the benefits to being here at dinnertime. The Napa Rose is open! I love doing take-out from here!

Well tonight is my night with the kids, while Theresa and Jacob have fun exploring the parks after dark. Tomorrow is Dapper Day!

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