
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Erie Apple Orchard 2017

It's time to catch up on some old trips.
Back in October while we were in Michigan, we visited the Erie Apple Orchard.

It's a short drive, but everyone was happy to arrive.

Let's go get some apples!

After a short walk, we learned the better apples were towards the back of the orchard, so we all piled back into the car.

Alli loves apples and she's ready to get some.

Back here the trees have a few apples, but there's a lot on the ground.

Getting a big family picture while everyone is there.

And getting a picture of all the kids.

Off to another part of the orchard for more apples.

Where's all the apples Alli? Yep, they're up high.

That's one way to get them.

Nice job girlie.

Richard found a nearby ladder.

What'd you find Ian? Corn?
Just kidding. There was a nearby field with dried-out corn and I made him pose with it.

So pretty.

And then you find something like this. Those ladybugs are certainly enjoying the apples.

After checking out the orchard, it was time to head back to the farmhouse.

This school bus is always here, so it makes the perfect place to take a photo every year with the kids.

Grandpa pulled out his change purse and got animal food for the kids.

Alli - He licked me.

Better wash those hands.

Because it's time to get some cider donuts! Yum!

Plus some frozen apple juice slushies!

Thanks for the donuts Uncle Ty.

The girls dancing to the DJ.

There was even someone making balloons for the kids.

One last thing before we go. We've always skipped the pony rides in past years, but this year I think both kids are finally old enough to do it.

And they both had a lot of fun doing it.

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