
Thursday, February 22, 2018

2018 Minnie's Moonlit Madness Results

After having a really fun time participating in Minnie's Moonlit Madness 2018 #minnies2018 everyone was really excited to find out our score. This year, we had a really good run. We attempted all 10 hard clues, answered all the bonus clues possible, and did pretty good on trivia! On Thursday February 22nd, the results were in! They were posted on the internal Disney Backlot page first, so Ruston was the first to find out.

Ruston called Jacob, Theresa, and myself all on a conference call and asked if we wanted to hear the good news or the bad news. We opted to hear the bad news first.
"Well" Ruston said, "The bad news is that you're going to have to take some time off work to come up to the Disney Studios. Because the good news is that we won first place and they're going to take our picture and present the team with our medals!"

We won!
Woo hoo! Congratulations team! Everyone was really excited!

And boy was it a tight race. According to the scores above, our score was 1794. If you remember in my write-up, as the winners of the CHOC auction, we received a bonus clue worth an unspecified number of points. Apparently that clue was worth 50 points. I was happy to have the points, but that's not how I wanted to win. Thankfully even without those 50 points, we still would have had 1744 points which was still enough for a first place finish!

So what's the breakdown?

144 points from trivia - 50 questions worth 3 points each. We missed 7 questions, but got the double or nothing for the last 5 questions.
100 points from Clue A - We solved the scatter clue
1250 points from 10 hard clues - Each clue was worth 125 points and we solved them with 3 minutes to spare
100 points from the Newsies Bonus clue - Ruston and I worked on this clue while Jacob and Theresa walked us through the park to solve other clues
100 points from turning in our rope before time ran out
50 points for taking the bonus Snapchat photo with our team number visible
1744 points Total!

And in the end, it all came down to trivia. The top 3 teams solved all hard clues and earned all the bonuses possible. First place missed 7 trivia questions, 2nd place missed 13 trivia questions, and 3rd place missed 14 trivia questions. Whew! Tight race!


  1. GREAT JOB !!! Ya'll make an AWESOME TEAM. CONGRATULATIONS !!! :):):)

  2. Thank you so much for posting these Minnie's Moonlit Madness write-ups through the years for those of us that can never hope to participate! I'm so happy that all of your team's hard work, dedication, and organization paid off with the big win!
