
Friday, June 15, 2018

Celebrating Pirates at Disneyland

Last Friday, Pirates of the Caribbean re-opened with updates effects and new scenes. Today we're celebrating that by wearing pirates hats.

It's Friday June 15th, which is the opening day for Incredibles 2. To celebrate, once you scan in, you're given a free button.

Our timing was pretty good this morning and we made it to the park just before opening. Since we usually walk from the parking garage, we passed by the monorail and saw there was almost no line. We requested and received the back cabin!

At Disneyland it's best to hit the rides in Fantasyland first, since those lines can get pretty backed up and the lines are pretty slow moving. Ian was happy to sit in a row all by himself.

While the three of us sat behind him.

A momma and her ducklings watching as the storybookland boats go by.

Next up is Dumbo. A ride for just Daddy and the kids. I like the new shaded queue.

One of our nighttime books recently was The Sword in the Stone. After having read it, Ian's been wanting to take a shot at that sword in the stone at Disneyland. He's showing me his muscles before he makes his attempt.

Despite his best efforts he was not successful. I asked the Photopass photographer if he's seen the sword move, and he confirmed that he hasn't seen the sword budge in a long time. I miss Merlin.

Seeing the car in front of Mr. Toad's, both kids wanted to hop behind the wheel. I think we need to get these kids over to Autopia.

Just as we were about to leave Mr Toad's car, a cast member came over to us. "Have you been on Peter Pan yet today?" No, we haven't. Actually we haven't been on Peter Pan here at Disneyland in years (not even since the update that came on July 1, 2015). The line is always 30-40 minutes and we just don't like to wait that long.
Well the cast member has a little bit of Disney magic in store for us. "I think you pirates need to come hop aboard a pirate ship."
Awesome! We were led up the exit queue.

And soon boarded our flight to Neverland! Thanks!!!
(I believe that a new cast member was training on the procedure for loading/unloading anyone in the ADA line. Because there was no-one currently in the ADA line, they went and grabbed someone from the park to pretend with. Us!)

Time to head to Autopia! In the queue, Theresa found a bunch of grapes growing along the fence.

Just a couple more weeks and I'm sure they'll be ripe. We'll have to keep an eye on them.

Alli wanted to "go fast" so it was back to Gadget's Go-Coaster. Love my little hands-up girl.

You're awesome too Ian.

Alli driving Ian in Goofy's car.

And then getting to meet Goofy himself.

Headed back towards the front of the park, the carousel had a very short line, so we jumped in it for a quick ride. With Jingles missing, Ian is riding on the Disneyland horse.

And Alli is riding the pink and purple horse right beside it.

What's going on with that tongue?

Because he saw it from the carousel, Ian wanted another crack at that Sword in the Stone. And I wanted another photo with the castle in the background instead of the carousel in the background. Now, on the carousel side, there is a small step for the littles to stand on while attempting to pull the sword. There's no such step on the castle side.

So I improvised and held them up while I hid behind the stone.

Time for a treat before our next ride. A tasty Mickey bar!



All finished except for the part that didn't make it into her mouth.

Despite the queue winding all through New Orleans Square, the line for Pirates moved quickly. And just for this one photo I was able to get everyone in a pirate hat at the same time. Me in my Jack Sparrow hat, Alli in a Captain Mickey hat, Ian in a Pirate Mickey hat, and Theresa wearing pirates inspired Mickey ears.

Inside we came across the new Pirate Redd.

After Pirates we hopped on the Haunted Mansion. I forget who asked first, but one of the kids asked if we were going to see Oogie Boogie. Not yet guys. We'll have to wait for Halloween before we get a chance to see him.

Unless you count the stuffed toys at the exit. Ian was quick to find him there.

Time for our last ride of the day. Of course Ian wouldn't let me leave without getting wet. I used a fastpass, but the fastpass line was backed all the way up to the entrance.
Ian saw Winnie the Pooh while we were waiting in line and waved at him until he actually caught his attention. That's when Ian blew Winnie the Pooh a hug. That was a new one to me, so I asked him to do it again so I could get it on video.

Ian sitting in a seat all by himself now.

And keeping his hands mostly up during the big drop.
While we were passing through the last room with the Zip-a-Dee Lady boat, Ian remembered that we could see this when we road the train the last time, and asked me to point out where the train tracks passed by.

After that it was time to head home. We enjoy all our trips to Disneyland.

And once we got home, Ian and Alli headed to their room and wanted to change into their Halloween shirts. They told me they were doing it because they wanted Halloween to come sooner so they could see Oogie Boogie. Cute.

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