
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Colorado Christmas Pt 2

Merry Christmas!
It's Christmas morning! Jess prepped some homemade sticky buns.


They were fantastic.

The kids were excited to see that Santa had come.

Joined by my brother.

And his wife.

Everyone gathered in the living room to open presents.

Staying cozy in their new quilts.

A picture of all the grandkids together.

He does like gumballs.

Thanks Avery.

I thought this gift was particularly clever. There were ribbons hanging from the 2nd floor with gift tags on them.

When they pulled the string, a paper person skydiver fell from the 2nd floor down to them with the words You're - Going - Indoor - Skydiving. Should be fun when they come visit us later this year.

Theresa is always happy to get her yearly photo calendar.

Mom's not done with quilts yet either. One more for my dad.

It was nice to have (almost) the entire family here for Christmas.

Thanks for having us all here Gram and Pop Pop.

The next couple days we'd hang out with neighbors and other friends.

Bedtime stories were still very popular.

Hi Avery.

All too soon it was time to head to the airport and come back home.

The kids were really happy going through security at the airport today. They had an amazing haul of coins.

They found 13 different coins plus this one foreign coin. Ian was happy.


  1. Wonderful Christmas celebration with family! Those personal family photo calendars are priceless...can see why T treasures them each year. Does she keep them throughout the years, just so she can look back and see how everyone is growing up so fast, as well as reminisce? Those family trips seem to go by faster and faster each time :-( Lovely Christmas family group picture. Thanks for sharing your Christmas trip!!

    1. One side benefit of making them for Theresa, is that I can print a couple extras for other people too. I get one for my office too. I hang on to all of them for looking back at later.

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