
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Disneyland's Lunar New Year - Year of the Pig

After a fun morning in Disneyland hunting for Valentines and celebrating Valentine's Day, it was time to come over to DCA to celebrate Lunar New Year and the Year of the Pig.

We followed Mickey Mouse down Buena Vista Street and got waved at. 

First up is the noon showing of Mulan's Lunar New Year Procession. We found a spot on the rail and waited for 12 to arrive. A couple minutes before noon, the plastic wrap was removed from the ceremonial drums and everyone was ready to get started.
But then a light sprinkle started raining down on us. A short time later there was an announcement that "For the safety of our performers, Mulan's Lunar New Year Procession has been cancelled." Doh. I was worried that might happen.

Instead, we'll head over to Toy Story Midway Mania and go on the ride associated with Ian's hat.

Ian's been getting comments on his hat all day. I love how the back has a coin slot.

I was telling T that it would be pretty cool if we got one of the vehicles with Hamm on it. And amazingly, we did!

Okay... Another 66,600? He got that same score in December.

Alli is doing great too.

Soon enough I think the kids can crack 100k.

Since we're here, we've got to celebrate the New Year a little bit. First a photo in front of the sign.

Then over to the AP section.

Where we'll get a button and a paper tag to color to decorate the wishing wall.

Crayons were available for making your tag extra special.

It's looking great guys!

A family photo first.

Then we hang our tags on the wall.

There's a couple more special things to do, but the lines were starting to get backed up. Instead of waiting in line to meet Mulan and Mushu, we're content to wave at them from the exit.

That popcorn bucket has come in really handy today. I think we got something like 5 refills. Well on our way to making it worth it.

When getting the last refill, Alli told me she dropped her hat. Usually that wouldn't be a problem, but this particular popcorn stand seems to be dripping popcorn oil and her hat just happened to find it. Eww. The wet wipes we had on hand didn't do much of anything to get rid of the greasy oil stain unfortunately. But thankfully after we got home, a little Dawn soap and hot water were able to get it looking a lot better. Whew.

It's about time to head home for the day. The rain has started again and it's not supposed to let up for a few hours. Time to head home and prepare for the week.

Silly kids.

Wow, what an eventful weekend. Between Oreo taste tests, a chocolate festival, a star party, and a trip to Disneyland, I'm ready for a slow relaxing week of work. Our weekends get busy!


  1. That was a fun (little wet) day! Too bad about missing the Lunar New Year parade. Looks like Ian was trying to "hamm" it up in his open-mouthed Midway Mania picture :-) Is that a functioning coin slot in the hat? If so, I wonder if any guests tried to surprise him with a surprise coin placed into it. Whew...Dawn soap to the rescue...that yellow stain definitely didn't enhance the hat's appearance...Alli must have smiled bigger after seeing the yellow washed away! Thanks for sharing the Disney magic again! EOM

    1. I was a little disappointed we didn't get to see the parade, but things happen. Something to look forward to next year.
      Sadly not a functioning coin slot. Cute none-the-less.
      Whew, thank goodness for Dawn soap. I see the red hats on eBay every once in a while, but the pink ones not so much.
