
Monday, March 11, 2019

A Fun Sunday at Disneyland including Bacon Dole Whip

Has it really been a month since we were at Disneyland? For us, that's hard to believe. But life gets busy. Between out-of-town visitors, tee ball, and work, it's been hectic. Time to change that!

Our goal is always to get to the park around opening, and we have varying levels of success at that. Today we did not meet that goal. With the time-change over night, the kids' sleep schedules are shifted an hour later. Instead of getting up at 6:20am, it was 7:20am. With the park opening at 8am, there was no way we'd get there at opening.
Thankfully the roads were clear and the parking garage was empty, and we walked through the gates at 5 til 9. Hi Lucky!

The vehicles on Main Street were quite busy, and we were dodging vehicles all the way down Main Street. Hi Chief!

Our very first ride of the day. Gadget's Go-Coaster! Both of the kids were happy to be back.
The hat selection today is based on the weather report. It California-cold this morning, so I picked hats that were nice and warm.
Alli (and Theresa's) hats are from Tokyo (I think). Alli insisted on the hat with the pink bow, even though it was the Adult size. That left Theresa with the Youth size Minnie hat with a red bow. Ian and I are wearing warm Mickey hats that I gifted with, and according to the tags, they're from the makers of Pillow Pets.

T wasn't feeling the tiny Minnie hat, but it fits me just fine. I was doing a hat swap, which led to a couple double-takes from people as Alli and I walked by.

Ian and Theresa then got to wear matching Mickey hats.

I love how much enjoyment she gets out of it. She can get so expressive! We lucked into the front row on our first ride, then waited for the front row for our second ride. Gotta keep it even with the kids.

Ian loves riding Roger Rabbit, but he doesn't like the queue. He'd much rather use fastpass every time versus walking through the dark back-alleys of Toon Town.

People who want to spin in this cab. People who don't want to spin in the others.

The kids love all the interactive elements of Toon Town. From ringing the firehouse doorbell to make the dalmatian stick his head up and bark at them, to using the TNT box to make thundering explosions.

I know two kids (and a couple adults) who were very happy to hear that the refillable popcorn bucket offer was being extended. It was a little strange to only have a deal like this last for a month. Since we haven't been in a month, we barely got to use ours. Now we've got until April 5th to load up on popcorn!

There was quite a line to have tea with the Mad Hatter. Ah, that's because the White Rabbit is joining in the fun today.

Next it was time for the wildest ride in the wilderness! Ian with his arm around Alli. They love each other.

At Big Thunder we requested and received the front row, right behind the locomotive.

And Alli showed us she's not just brave on Gadget's, but on some of the bigger coasters as well.

Off to the Haunted Mansion!

Also at the Haunted Mansion, we'd meet up with some friends we haven't seen in a while. Disneyland is always better with friends! Ian and their boy were non-stop chatterboxes. They were instant best buds.
And for the first time in a long time, during the stretching room, there wasn't anyone with a cell phone out, no one talking along with the spiel, and no one who screamed at the end. That's rare.

Let's ride Pirates!

Ian was excited he got to sit by his new buddy.
Upon arriving at the Treasure Room, we wondered how many piles of gold we'll need to buy an annual pass next year.

Time for lunch/dessert! The line at the Tropical Hideaway was the shortest I've seen it. There's lots of stuff to try here, but the one I was most excited for is the candied bacon Dole Whip.

A close second is the Loaded Whip, with Pineapple and Orange swirl, plus pineapple and orange chunks, coconut, crystalized hibiscus, and pocky sticks. I got a taste and it's delicious.

The bacon and Dole Whip works just fine together. The bacon is smoky and savory and goes well with the sweet pineapple whip.

The Jungle Cruise is a favorite. You never know what kind of skipper you're going to get. Today we got a good one.

The kids don't mess around when the skipper yells "Get down! Get down! Everybody get down!"

I'll be happy when the castle refurbishment is complete. Getting to the carrousel means taking the long way around.

It's a good day when you get the horse you want.

Ian wants to be king for the day. That much is certain. He is certain that he's going to pull that sword out one day. He's tried to pull it out here every chance I'll give him, and I'm way overdue posting the reports and pictures, but he's tried in Hong Kong and Shanghai too.

From the look on her face, this girl is determined to have a queen rule.

Ian talking to the Photopass photographer - I was able to move it a little bit!
Photopass photographer - Then I think that means it's just waiting for you to get a little older to rule.
I was happy that she was playing along.

Ian then enlisted the help of everyone to pull that sword out. And heaven help you if he sees you're not trying. Grab it with your hand there! You're not pulling!

Those of us who aren't prone to motion sickness enjoyed a round on the tea cups.

Ian is too sweet. It was his turn to pick the color. He initially led everyone to a blue tea cup, but then ran over to a pink one. Why'd you pick this one Ian? Ian - Because it's Alli's favorite.

Ian's been wanting to ride Guardian's for a long time now. Besides the rides where you get soaked with water, Guardian's has to be his favorite. Thank you to the couple in front of us for helping us get a great photo. Ian and I were talking about holding our hands up and smiling for the camera. I told Ian he'd have to aim for the space in between the people in front of us to see the camera. They heard us and made sure to keep their hands down for the photo.
After the ride once we got to the screens, they gave Ian and I a big thumbs up! Successful photo! Ian you're awesome!

At the gift shop, old things are new again. Ian and I enjoyed a few games of Simon.

Where's the rest of the crew? Inside the Animation Academy doing drawing Jack Skellington. That's one thing Theresa and I haven't done in years. And never with the kids. I bet they'd really enjoy it now that they're older. Alli certainly did.

Today was fun! It's great to hang out with friends you haven't seen in a while. Disneyland is a great place to catch up.


  1. What a full, fun day, doing all those favorite attractions and meeting up with friends. Alli has mastered the roller coaster "look" at such a young age...big, excited smile and outstretched arms...perfect! Ian shows a lot of selflessness and concern/compassion at such a young age...that is so wonderful to see (e.g., simple acts such as a "pink cup" over a "blue cup" or protectively putting an arm around a sibling), and a true blessing for the parents to see. So many dole whip variations...enough for different moods. Like those warm, fuzzy hats (that was a great picture where Ian's head is bent over the TNT box w/ Alli and all you see for Ian's head is Mickey's face...effect worked well!) There should be a CM inconspicuously watching any youngsters at the "sword-in-the-stone" and give a signal to someone to "raise the sword" (just like in the old days when the ceremony took place w/ Merlin). That would be quite a surprise for the lucky child and a magical moment never to be forgotten! Great TR!! EOM

    1. I totally wish the Sword in the Stone still worked. I'm kinda hoping someone with the right connections eventually runs across this and somehow helps make it happen...
      Back when we first moved here, I got to participate in the Merlin stage show. Except I was the "strong guy" who couldn't pull out the sword, and then they invited a kid up who could pull it out.
      We did luck out with the kids. I'm thankful they actually like each other.

  2. Did you get Merlin's musician entourage, too? The original show had these happy-go-lucky, side kick musicians to complement Merlin's spiel. Unfortunately, to cut down costs (that's my guess) they eventually removed the musicians and made it a one-man show. I really missed having the musician guys because it really added extra "magic" to the entire show. EOM

    1. I don't remember any musicians. Must have already changed it by that point.
