
Sunday, April 21, 2019

2019 Disney Eggstravaganza - Disney California Adventure Park

It's time for the second of the three Disney Egg Hunts we're doing today. The first was in Downtown Disney. Now we're in Disney California Adventure Park.
All over the park there's lots of these photo ops, but this is the only place we saw 4 eggs all together. A family photo is a must.

And while we're at it, I've got to get a photo as Oswald's Tires.

So many adorable photo ops out for Easter. This basket of eggs goes wonderfully with Alli's hat.

Here's the map for DCA.

And the stickers.

And right out of the gate, walking down Buena Vista Street Ian found Pluto on the balcony.

And just across the street at Julius Katz & Sons, Minnie was peeking out a window.

Elias & Co is a pretty large store, so I thought we might have a bit of a longer search here, but right when we entered the very first door, Alli yelled "Mickey!" That was quick.

I wanted to get clear the Hollywood Backlot and then get over to the rest of the park.
At Off the Page, we looked all over and almost made it through the entire store without finding an egg. Some eggs are much more obvious if you're going the opposite direction. When we turned around, Donald was staring at us from a high shelf.

After Off the Page, we wandered outside of the Animation Academy looking high and low without any luck. Back inside the giant lobby we couldn't find any eggs up high amongst the projection screens. But down low, right by Turtle Talk, Daisy was hiding behind a glass wall.

The map said there was one by the Hyperion Theater, but it was eluding us.
Over at The Collector's Warehouse by Guardians of the Galaxy, Taneleer Tivan has apparently added a Goofy egg to his collection.

Time to feed the bunnies. What do they eat? Carrots of course.

Next it's time to go to the Rushin' River Outfitters.
Ian - Daddy, can we go on the ride?
Not today buddy, there's eggs to find (and I don't feel like walking around with clothes that are drenched).

As soon as we broke the doorway Ian announced "It's Chip." Yes it is. Good spotting.

Our next egg is over in the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail, and we've got help!
It's Grace and her daughter Kira! Grace is a friend from years ago when I was growing up and lived in California. Grace and her family are spending the weekend at Disneyland and it was great to get the chance to catch up.

Redwood Creek has so many hiding places an egg could be. I remember a few years ago when we searched and searched, only to find that it was right under our noses at the entrance.
Not finding anything at the entrance, we set off on one of the many paths.

It's Dale! No, not the Easter Egg Dale. Walking around Dale. A quick hug and then we were on our way.

Comparing maps.

Not having any luck down low, we went up high to get a better vantage point.

The egg was proving elusive. Going down every path, it was nowhere to be found. Finally we found ourselves back at the entrance again.
Grace - I see it.

Arrgh. Right there the whole time! We must have walked right under it about 10 seconds after we started looking around in here.

I'm just happy we found it before walking around another time.

And look at that. It was Dale.

On the way out, a couple Asian women saw Alli's hat and said "Oh! Like her hat! It's from Tokyo?"
Yes it is!
They had lots of adorable Chip and Dale items dressed in Easter Clothes on, so they're in the Easter spirit. One of the things the kids really loved about the Asian Disney parks we visited in October was all the stickers the cast members gave them.
And it looks like these guests brought some of those stickers all the way from Tokyo to share! They gave each of the kids their choice of whichever sticker they wanted. Thanks for spreading some Disney Magic!

Alli got a cute Miss Bunny.

And Ian quickly peeled his Nick Wilde and stuck it onto Theresa.

Grace and Kira had to get back to their family to go on more rides. The lines have been pretty short this Easter morning.

Our hunt continues over into the Pixar Promenade. There the kids spotted the White Rabbit.

Time to feed the bunnies again.

Next it was time to explore Cars Land. I have a pretty good idea who we're going to find here.

Nothing around the front of Flo's V8 Cafe.

But over on the side, it's Lightning McQueen.

And at The Oil Pan, Mater is hanging out on the roof.

Alright, let's get back over to the Hyperion Theater and tackle that last egg.

Sometimes a new perspective is all it takes. We were so focused on the right side that has the Hyperion marquee, that we were ignoring the green building on the left. T saw it a mile away this time. It's Thumper!

Success! The Eggstravaganza at Disney California Adventure Park is complete!
For their prize they got a Mickey Mouse Easter Egg.

This hunt took a little longer. A leisurely 1:40 or so.
Just one more to go!


  1. Nice family photo with a cut-out for each one! Perfect "buddy" picture w/ old-time friends. Liked the "open window w/ Minnie" idea...looked like Minnie purposely opened her window to peek outside and welcome any visitor who wanted to see her. Feed the funny (read the narrative preceding the photo before I realized who the bunnies were; got so use to "feeding the ducks" I was wondering where the bunnies were (lol)) Just as funny was the "There's Dale...but only the walking Dale, not the egg Dale"...and then the ironic twist of the egg Dale later :-) How special that some Disney Magic came all the way from Tokyo via those two women...that's so wonderful!!! What a fun time at DCA! Only one more hunt to conquer. EOM

    1. Ha. These kids do eat like rabbits. They're really good about eating all sorts of vegetables and fruits. T and her mom have done a great job pushing that.

  2. It was so much fun catching you while we were down south! Some of them were a bit of a challenge this time. Thanks for the tip on the one. My son said he'd like to go again if the school offers this trip again. So I'll let you know when we'll be back.

    1. Great to see you too! See you next time you're down here!
