
Monday, June 3, 2019

A really fun week in Michigan

We had a really fun time in Michigan for birthday parties, graduations, and more. Here's some of the stories of what happened between all the other stories.

The airport is Ian's favorite places to search for coins. He and Alli both have the best luck at the security checkpoint. They found every coin type except a nickel. They were talking to another kid and he gave them one of his nickels (he found two) to complete their set. Thanks!

On one of our previous trips, while we were boarding one of the flight attendants asked the kids if they wanted to meet the pilots. Now Ian straight up asks them for it as soon as we got on. They're always very accommodating.

Goodbye LA!

On the next flight both Ian and Alli went to see the pilot, and they got to hear some of the fun noises the plane can make!

Once we got to Michigan, it was late but we got picked up by the two graduating girls.

Hi Uncle Ty!

Where was Aunt Rita? Out getting us White Castles for dinner because she knows how much I love them!

They're really tasty. I like em so much, my halloween pumpkin was the White Castle Logo one year.

That Friday was Aubrey's last day of school. The kids made signs and waited for her to come out.

Holding them up high and cheering when they saw her.

When you're at other people's houses you can make new kinds of pillow forts.

We celebrated Abby's graduation from High School.

And the next morning Pop Pop and Gram arrived to celebrate Richard and Chi's 70th birthday.

Sunday was Food Truck day at the church. There was a mexican food truck, american hamburgers, and another truck with BBQ. The ribs were my favorite.

The kids all working on the picture board for the 70th birthday party.

What does Alli do with the extra letter stickers? Give them away to people! Pop Pop collected quite a few.

We also celebrated Ethan's birthday.

Lighting the candle with a blowtorch.

Mmm. Aunt Rita's cookies are tasty. Much better than cake.

Yum! Ice cream sandwiches are awesome!

Ian helping play Fortnite.

Ian was really excited to lose his first tooth while we were in Michigan. The Tooth Fairy still found him and gave him $5.

One of my favorite new comics, Strange Planet.

I even got a chance to get away to Cedar Point with my niece and ride a few extreme roller coasters.

Theresa will be jealous that I found Dippin Dots Mint Chocolate Ice Cream there. It's her favorite flavor but she hasn't been able to find it anywhere else.

Unfortunately the day was cut short due to rain.

We celebrated Aubrey's graduation too.

The girls getting their poster boards ready for their big graduation party celebration.

There were a ton of people that showed up. It was a crazy day.

I wish we could have stayed longer, but work requires us to come back home.

And these Southwest pilots are so awesome. Alli boarded earlier with Theresa, but Ian wanted to stop and talk to the pilots. They made the plane make noise for him too and asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up. Something with Space!
And even after our 2.5 hour flight, as we were getting off the plane, the pilot said "Goodbye Ian! Thanks for flying with us!" Wow, remembering his name and everything.

Whew, it was a crazy busy week, but it was a lot of fun seeing everyone and celebrating so many things.


  1. What a week..."crazy busy but fun" describes it all...birthday celebrations (including the "biggie" 70th), 2 high school graduations, and the BIG graduation party...and ALL the preparations behind those big parties! Time to get some rest :-) So exciting for the kids (especially Ian) to be in the cockpit and actually touch things (that first warning horn sound must have alarmed Ian...wondering if he "broke" something after moving that control) Alli's black letters against her grandpa's white shirt was a perfect could actually envision that as a "wacky" shirt design (something I'd expect from an "Alice in Wonderland" clothes line, I imagine) one candle w/ a blowtorch...glad only the candle got lit! That homemade chocolate chip cookie on the ice cream was overflowing with chocolate chips...yummmmmmmmmmmmy...that's the "right" proportion of chips to cookie :-) On a different note, saw those pumpkin carvings in that 2010 linked post...very nice job by all the carvers (oh yes, the children in that post were definitely much younger...amazing and special to see how they've grown and matured in 9 years) What a week of sharing...thanks! EOM

    1. This week provided a lot of time to look back and reflect, didn't it. Before you know it, it'll be time to do it for Ian and Alli and we'll look back on all these times again with fond memories.
      And I agree with you on the cookies. They need way more than what the stores typically put in them. And when they're fresh, they're one of my favorite desserts.

  2. Thanks for sharing your new favorite comic! Strange Planet is now my new favorite too lol! Your week in Michigan looked really busy but a lot of fun spending time with family.

    1. Busy busy. Always on the move doing something.
      Strange Planet almost always makes me smile. And there's 2 new ones every day!
