
Friday, July 26, 2019

Hermosa Beach AVP - Friday

The AVP is in town!
Ever since moving to California and taking my first beginners beach volleyball class, volleyball has been my new favorite sport. 
T and I would spend hours every weekend playing volleyball on the sand. And a great part about volleyball is that you get to see some of the best players in the world up close and for free! That's right. The Hermosa Beach Open is completely free for anyone to come watch! And depending how early you arrive, you can set up right next to the courts. 

I was really happy we didn't have to work today and were able to get out to the AVP.
T was telling the kids what to do. "Ian go stand in the P hole. Alli go stand in the A hole." Uhh...

Maybe think about what you're saying... Let's get a picture in front.

We made sure to arrive before it got too crowded and were able to set up right in between Court 1 (Men's) and Court 2 (Women's). That means we'll be getting to see lots of good action all day long.

And we certainly can't forget about the sponsors of the AVP. They're fantastic. There's lots of booths giving away granola, different drinks, other snacks, etc. Who needs to buy lunch when you can snack your way through the day.

In between matches, we got out and wandered. Like over at the kids zone.

Loving the bounce house.

The average height in Hermosa goes up quite a bit when the AVP is in town. Kyle Radde is 6'8".

I love beach volleyball.

Diving in the sand doesn't hurt, so you can go all out if you think you even have a chance at getting a ball. The best players can sprint in the sand like it's no problem at all.

Showing up early, we've got a great view.

Time for more snacks!

Watching brothers Riley and Maddison McKibbin.

And the kids even got their trading cards.

Ian found a seat.

Cheering for So Cal native Emily Day.

And when you get Olympian Sean Rosenthal aka Superman and the entire entourage of Rosie's Raiders, the court can get crowded.

Casey Patterson has taken first place fifteen times. He smiled at the kids when they were cheering "Go Casey!".


With a break in the action, it's time for a drink. Mmm, this Sparkling Ice Coconut Pineapple flavor is tasty.

The climbing wall wasn't running when we were here this morning, but now it's up. And even better, it's free!

Tackling the wall as best they can.

And playing with the giant dartboard with velcro balls.

Uh oh. I think we have a lefty.

Wow. The 7'1" Ryan Doherty gets his head and shoulders above the 8' net. I'm jealous.

It's been a really awesome day watching all these amazing matches. The AVP continues through Sunday. Let's hope we can make it back for some more!


  1. Beautiful beach weather, great beach volleyball, and a day off from work...what a perfect way to spend the Friday! Being able to "run/jump" on the sand is soooooooo different (i.e., much harder!) from a gym floor...and you definitely get a good workout. Great freebie snacks (the Icy Coconut Pineapple sounds really refreshing) and fun kids' the beach umbrella colors and palm trees decor...great action shots of the players trying to spike and/or block. Maybe Alli is going to be ambidextrous, or use her right hand for certain activities and the left for others. ( guess T will probably say something like "stand in front (behind) of the A letter and P letter" when giving instructions to the kids in the future!! :-) Great way to spend a summer day as a family! EOM

    1. A great way to spend a Friday. And I agree, running and jumping on the sand is so much more difficult. But I like it better since I can dive without consequence. Still waiting to see on Alli if she's got a hand preference.
