
Friday, August 9, 2019

Celebrating National Book Lovers Day - August 9th

We're really starting to get into celebrating the National Calendar Days. And we don't just celebrate the ones that deal with food (though those are certainly fun).
Today is National Book Lovers Day! And yes, we do love our books. Every night we're home, and even most every night when we're on vacation, part of our routine is reading books. It started out with us reading books to them, but just like we were hoping, they've wanted to do it more and more.
I remember my parents reading books to me when I was little. Loving the library and loving a good story. I've wanted to install that into Ian and Alli too, so Ian's first night home from the hospital, we read Winnie the Pooh. 

And Alli's first night home from the hospital, we all read books together as a family. And we've been doing it just about every night since. 

So to celebrate today, we're reading books. First the kids each picked a book from their shelf and read it to me. 

It's really fun that he's a reader now.

Gram loves reading too. She's always sending the kids books, and so today on National Book Lover's Day the kids were excited to open a new bag of books from her.

That's a lot of books.

I'm sure it was no accident that Gram put these books in here. I promised them I'd read each of them one. Ian found a book about a penguin that wants to go into space (the boy loves space things). Alli found the book about princesses and pets.

And while we were at our local Sams they were excited to see a giant cutout for Llama Llama. It's just that kind of day.

Our night ended like so many nights before. Together reading books.

Tomorrow we'll celebrate another National Day, but this one was a fun one.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat National Day to wonderful that you and T have instilled the love for reading (and learning) into Ian & Alli with your evening before-bed routine of reading to them (and now the other way around, too!) Btw, those "first night home for the baby" posts are a special treasure...especially memorable is that both Ian & Alli "heard" Winnie the Pooh stories as their first story!! Those two have grown so much since those "first nights"...looking back you wonder where are the years going?...makes each day that much more special for you and T. EOM
