
Monday, September 30, 2019

A Colorado Trip to visit friends and family

Let's go to Colorado! There's lots of fun stuff to do there.
It starts with a visit with the pilot of our plane. They're so great with the kids. Ian got to push the gas pedal (throttle), on one side until the plane started beeping at him.

We're in Denver! It starts with the train ride to the main terminal, and the kids love to get a front row seat by the window.

There was a short rain shower while we waited for the shuttle. Good thing I have a an Ianbrella.

Let's ride! From Denver down to Colorado Springs.

"What is that smell?" the kids were asking. Seems to me that we're near a ranch and the winds are blowing that smell towards us.

Bedtimes at Gram and Pop Pop's house always means new stories at bedtime.

Saturday would have us searching the mountains for Fall Foliage.

On Sunday, it was great to meet up with some friends. Tom, Abby, and their son were our neighbors in California and they just moved to Colorado a month ago.

After breakfast, we continued our time together at a nearby park.

It's been fun, but we've got to go home now. I'm glad we got to see them again.

Back at the grandparent's house, Gram, Alli, and Ian played with the trains.

And Avery joins in the fun.

Time for a snack. Gram has a cherry tomato plant that is overflowing with tomatoes. All the kids helped out picking the plant clean of all the bright red tomatoes.

This is after they've been eating them by the handful.

We'd also do an apple taste test with 10 apples we got the week before from our Oak Glen Apple Orchard visit.

For the afternoon we'd cheer for the Denver Broncos, though sadly they lost. Not a good start to their season. 0 wins and 4 losses.

Pop Pop is always the first one awake, so the kids gather on him.

Time for a tasty breakfast. Thanks Gram and Pop Pop!

Let's go see where Gram works.

Seeing the book store where Gram gets the kids so many books.

And playing in the kids section of the library.

That's a lot of hearts and smiley faces.

Finally it was time to go to the airport. No we can't take Avery with us.

Bye Pop Pop. Thanks for taking us to the airport.

While we were waiting to board our plane, a stranger came over to the kids. He'd asked when they had had a bath because it didn't look like they had cleaned behind their ears.

And from behind each of their ears, he pulled a Half Dollar coin! Thanks!

It was an uneventful flight home. Colorado was fun!


  1. Neat to meet up with former CA neighbors in Colorado! Wow...that looks like a fun train set...lots of track to play with! Homegrown cherry tomatoes can't be compared to store-bought ones...a coworker once brought some to work from his garden, and after eating one of them I couldn't stop...they were so sweet and refreshing. That must have been fun and exciting for the kids to see where Gram works and gets her books for them. What a coin trick to end the trip for the kids...that must have gotten them super excited and amazed!!! P.S. At least the Broncos got their first win this past weekend, courtesy of the Chargers! EOM

    1. Gram is pretty amazing. She's got so many toys packed away from when I was a kid that Ian and Alli love to play with.
      T wants to start growing our own cherry tomatoes at home too. Just waiting for the right seeds to come in stock. Her favorites are the Flavor Bomb cherry tomatoes that are available at our Sam's Club for certain parts of the year.
      The coin trick was completely unexpected, but very fun. The kids like to collect interesting coins and the half dollar certainly qualifies. I wasn't aware they were even still minting half dollar coins, but the kids received one that was minted in 2018.
      Finally the Broncos won one. Too little too late though for this season.
