
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Hanging out at Thanksgiving

It was awesome having the entire family here for Thanksgiving. It's been so long since we've been able to get a big group photo of everyone.
This is pretty much a collection of everything else we did together.
Like getting to visit Disneyland in the rain.

Hi family! Welcome!

Everyone is getting so big!

Hanging out on the couch together.

Playing in the maker space.

Eating at the kids' table.
Twins - We're not kids. We're 13.

Giant wrestling matches.

More maker space.

Once I pulled out the VR headset, there was a line for it.

Awesome Emma.

Taking the whole family out to see Frozen 2.

Puzzles are always fun.

And bedtimes with Gram reading stories is great.

And song-time is fun too with so many singers.

1000 piece puzzle, 3:30 hours later. Nice job family!

The kids had a fun time playing together. Whether inside the house.

Or messing around in the hot tub.

It was just great having everyone together.

Before everyone leaves though, we have to get a big family photo.

All the grands together too.

Time to say goodbye.

Love you! Thanks for coming to visit!

1 comment:

  1. Many shared times together, doing so many different things! A very, very nice group photo to treasure...not always easy getting all the family members together, especially when everyone is scattered in different states. more "kids" table for them :-) Ah, those 1000 piece puzzles...challenging fun and sense of satisfaction when it's done. EOM
