
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Beach Time with Aunt Megan

It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Southern California. The calendar might say February but the beach feels like it's summer. The thermometer is showing 81 degrees with blue skies and a bright sun.

On Saturday mornings when we have company, there's a good bet that we'll be grabbing bread from 85C for breakfast. Megan hasn't had it before and I do believe we have a new convert. She thought it was delicious.

But now it's time to go to the beach.

We spread out some towels and I started digging the deepest hole ever! Alli "helped" by balancing me out.

It's starting to get deep.

How deep?

Big enough to stand in and just able to peek out.

That water is beckoning.

The kids started out with just getting their feet wet.

And then moved on to just laying down in the water. It's a really nice day in February to be able to do that.

The kids wanted to build a sand castle. I moved down closer to the water to get some wet sand that would pack better.

Alli helped me by bringing me wet sand.

Hmm. Doesn't look so much like a castle, does it? More like a mountain maybe...

Yeah! That's the mountain I'm thinking about!
That looks a lot like Mount Otemanu in Bora Bora. Curious.

Alli kept me supplied with lots of wet sand.

Ian made sand walls so that he could trap pools of water.

It's a beautiful day, but um, Megan don't you have to get to the airport and fly back home?
Looks like Colorado is going to be just a little chilly when you get back there. In fact, in a couple days the HIGH is going to be 17 degrees. Brr.
And after thinking about it for a few minutes (and making a couple phone calls to make sure things will be taken care of) Megan moved her return flight to Tuesday! She'll be staying with us all weekend!

Let's celebrate for Korean food for dinner! Yum!


  1. What a beautiful day for the beach and making sand mountains :-) Guess trading the So Cal sunshine and warmth for coooooooooooold weather didn't sound too good for Megan...glad she enjoyed a little more sunshine (and family) before returning home. EOM

    1. It's days like this that make me love being in So Cal. Those random 80 degree days in winter that randomly pop up in the middle of a stretch of days in the 60s.
