
Monday, February 3, 2020

Oreo Taste Test - Caramel Coconut Oreos and Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos

Somehow Colorado gets special treats a lot sooner than I find them here in California.
I was happy that Megan brought me some Oreos that I have found yet.
We do love Oreos, so I was excited to try these new Caramel Coconut Oreos and Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos.

Both were only available in Family Size.

I love both Caramel and Coconut. Combine that with chocolate too and I'm not thinking cake. I'm thinking Samoa Girl Scout cookies.

Inside is a caramel coconut creme along with coconut pieces.

Then there's the Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos.

The creme is flavored with chocolate. The normally chocolate cookie has bits of freeze-dried marshmallow along with it. Maybe not quite as many marshmallows as what's on the picture.

The kids love them both.
I thought the Chocolate Marshmallow ones were just okay. The bits of marshmallow were subtle, but they did get stuck in my teeth.

I think everyone was a little disappointed with the Caramel Coconut Oreos. That's unfortunate.
Theresa went to the closet to get something coconut that is a little more satisfying.


  1. What a bummer...when I read "caramel coconut" I thought "Oooooo...those must be good", like the Samoa cookies you mentioned!...disappointing to hear they sounded better than they tasted. Didn't expect "freeze-dried marshmallows" for the other Oreos, either...I was anticipating soft marshmallow, like in a moon pie...wrong again :-( Oh well, at least the kids enjoyed them!!!...and you all have the toasted coconut Thinster for one's coconut craving :-) EOM

    1. The Thinsters really were the star of the night. Those Oreos sounded good, but left me wanting something more.
