
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cheesecake-Stuffed Strawberries with the Michigan family

Today we're going to be making a special treat! Cousin Aubrey recently made a really delicious dessert that the Michigan family loved. She thought it would be an excellent thing to make with the kids, and so after making sure we had all the ingredients, we started a Zoom meeting and made them all together!

Today's recipe comes from something Aubrey saw on TikTok, but there's something similar on Allrecipes. They're Cheesecake-Stuffed Strawberries. The ingredient list is pretty short.

  • 1 package of strawberries
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • Crushed graham crackers as needed for topping

I prepped the strawberries ahead of time, using a 1/4 teaspoon to scoop out the insides.

Ian is using an iPad daily now for school. Aubrey sent him a message with all the instructions for how to make it. Good thing he's a reader!

There's the family in Michigan! Hi guys! We're excited to be making treats with you today!

We're only going to make a half recipe of the filling, so Alli show me what half of this cream cheese block is.

Ian measured out approximately 1/6th of a cup of powdered sugar.
And together we added the vanilla and milk.

Stir it up kids! We've got to make it smooth.

Ian was saying how it smelled wonderful. I agree with you. That vanilla and sugar are going to be great!

Here's what they were really wanting. I scraped the insides of the bowl with the spatula and got a good-sized dollop on a spoon. That's the good stuff right there.

I put the mixture into a ziplock bag, snipped the corner and used it like a piping bag. I held the strawberry while Alli piped it in.

It was Ian's turn. I was going to let him try to do it all himself, but Alli offered to hold the strawberry for him, and he accepted. Great cooperation guys!

Last, it was time to top them with graham crackers. Well I don't have graham crackers on hand, but I do have some cookie pieces. How about the pink cookies from the Easter Egg Oreo taste test, and the chocolate cookies from the Tiramisu Oreo taste test.

Ian counted them all up (12), and said that's 3 each! I reminded him that we had Grammy and Grandpa joining us, so he thought for a second and said that's 2 each! Good job with your Math Word problems buddy.

Ooh, those certainly look tasty.

Time to eat them! We finished ours right about the same time that the Michigan family finished theirs.

We took them to the table and all dug in together.

That's a big bite.

How'd you like it guys? Big thumbs up for sure!

And here's a trimmed video of the experience. Thanks Aubrey! That was a great idea and it was a tasty treat!

1 comment:

  1. Saw and heard a lot of "yums" when eating those cheesecake-stuffed strawberries :-) Sounds like a very delicious and refreshing way to enjoy strawberries! Ian is really reading well for his age, and his math thinking continues to develop (nice way to work in a little math problem...guess his original calculation of 3 was okay when he later suggested that maybe Grammy & Grandpa didn't want any :-) ) Enjoying the mixing bowl remnants...especially since it smelled so good! EOM
