
Friday, May 22, 2020

Flamin Hot Chips Taste Test

Theresa is a big fan of spicy foods and Flamin Hot chips are pretty high on the list of favorites. There's at least 15 unique Flamin Hot style chips, and today (which happens to be Mothers Day), we're going to taste 5 of them. 

If there's any question what the color of Flamin Hot is, it's a dark fiery red.

 This multipack was available from Sams Club, perfect for trying lots of different flavors at once.

Kids, come to the table for a taste test! Alli was ready and excited. Ian, not so much. For these, Theresa made sure they had milk available.

Ian taking a drink before getting started. Just to help going forward.

Alright, first up, the classic Flamin Hot Crunchy Cheetos!

Alli took a bite. And then... Ian took a bite!

What do you think Ian?

Straight to the milk for Ian.

But Alli feels the burn.

We tried all 5 flavors.
The Cheetos Flamin Hot Crunchy were one of everyone's favorites.

And Chester's Flamin Hot Fries were also high on the list.

I'm not a fan really of the Cheetos texture, so these Doritos Flamin Hot Nacho were my favorite.

Funyuns Flamin Hot Onion Flavored Rings. These didn't have the typical Funyun flavor that I'm used to.

Cheetos Flamin Hot Limon Crunchy. I think this was the least favorite of everyone. I don't particularly care for the additional Limon flavor with my spicy chips. Just give me the heat.
Alli has been going strong through every different flavor. She ended up drinking 3 cups of milk over the course of the whole taste test, but she still likes trying new things. 

For the other adults, it was a close race between the Crunchy Cheetos and the Flamin Hot Fries.
Ultimately for Theresa she'd pick the Hot Fries.
Chi and Richard liked the Cheetos best.

Alli found her favorite. She kept going back to those Funyuns Flamin Hot.

Theresa did recall that when she was pregnant with Alli, she did enjoy Andy Capp Hot Fries quite a bit. I wonder if that has anything to do with Alli's liking of spicy things.

Let's check in with Ian. What does he think?

Alli's fingers are covered with Flamin Hot dust. Yum! What a tasty taste test!


  1. Poor Ian..."All of them are the worst!" taste test he's glad to have behind him! What an expression on Alli's face as she studies Ian's face as he bites into the Flamin' can just see her expecting Ian to say "yuck...too hot!" Can't say I like super hot spicy, but just a little spice is okay :-) Good thing the Limon flavor had the fewest number of packages in the box! Hey, Alli's fingers match her cute Moana tank top now :-) EOM

    1. Yes, poor Ian. He wasn't looking forward to this taste test. He wanted to skip it completely, but I wouldn't let him. Alli will sample pretty much anything. Her palate is diverse.
