
Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day!
Ian made Theresa a card.

Inside were some of Ian's thoughts on his mom.

And a nice card on the back.

Theresa led us on our morning bike ride. All the fruiting trees get special attention. Like this mulberry bush that is just starting to put on berries. 

In the beautiful sunny afternoon, Theresa was outside enjoying the weather. Alli and I made her a special frozen strawberry lemonade.

With the portable hammocks and pop-up tent, Theresa was calling this her grass bungalow.

Later in the day, we had a special taste test, very special for Theresa. She loves spicy things. We'll get in to that more in a future post.

Dinner tonight is filet mignon, broccoli and mushrooms. Mmm (for parts of that for me).

Filets for everyone else. A ribeye for me. Topped with truffle butter. It's delicious. Alli loves truffle butter too.

After an evening bike ride, it was time for dessert. Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream! Theresa's favorite!

Everyone enjoyed the ice cream.

At bedtime we FaceTimed with Gram and Pop Pop. The kids read them stories and we sang songs.

And Gram read us a story too!

Happy Mothers Day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day, Theresa! You got to enjoy an extra special day (since all days are special with your family, this one was "extra" special :-) ) Lovely card from Ian...had a few smiles with what he thought of you in his very own words. And, what a special frozen strawberry lemonade drink, dressed with a strawberry on the rim! Yummy mint chocolate chip ice cream...with you on that! Gram and Pop Pop added the final touch for a special day. EOM
