
Friday, September 11, 2020

Disney Treats at Home - Corn Dogs and Churros

Who's hungry? It's time for another round of Disney Treats at Home!
We started with Mint Juleps and Mickey Beignets. Next came Marshmallow Wands, Caramel Apples, and Chocolate Apples. To celebrate summer, we made our own Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bars and Mickey Ice Cream Sandwiches. To celebrate my birthday we recreated the Napa Rose at home with their Signature Pizzetta, Truffled Mac & Cheese, Filet Mignon, and bread basket. And last time we made Smoked Turkey Legs and Chili Lime Buttered Corn on the Cob.

Today we're going to attempt another Disney staple. We're making the ever famous Disneyland Corn Dog from the Little Red Wagon at the end of Main Street along with a couple other treats from the Corn Dog Castle. And for dessert, a Disney Churro. I think this is going to be a tasty meal!

For our Disneyland corn dogs, we'll of course be making the batter ourselves. I used a recipe for Disneyland Corn Dogs from

First all the dry ingredients get mixed together.

And then the wet ingredients are added.

The Little Red Wagon on Main Street only has corn dogs with plain hot dogs, but my favorite is from the Corn Dog Castle in DCA. There they have a spicy hot link, so for mine, I'll be using one of those.

I poured the batter into a long slender container (Theresa's coffee thermos worked well), and dipped each dog.

It's time to fry!

Having a deeper container might have been a good idea, but this worked. I was rotating the dogs constantly to make sure they browned evenly.

For our next recipe, we're making Churros. This recipe comes from It's the one I used when I recreated Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros cereal.

After bringing the butter, water, sugar, and salt to a boil, you add the flour and make a dough.

That dough is still really hot so it's got to cool down before I add the next ingredient.

To facilitate cool down, I spread it up against the sides of the bowl.

After cooling down, I added the egg and vanilla.

The Churros at Disneyland in Anaheim are tasty, but honestly, they look just like your typical churro. There's nothing all that special about them. However, in Tokyo, the churros there have a special Disney magical touch. They are shaped like Mickey! (forgive the old picture Jacob)

So today instead of the regular circular churro, I'm going to attempt to add a little Disney spin to the regular churro. I have a set of tiny 3D printed Mickey cookie cutters. I taped my smallest onto the end of a piping bag and used duct tape to hold it on.

Loaded with dough, it's time to fry again.

I would have loved to make the long, straight, churros like you get in the park. I got out my longest pan just for that.

But the dough has a mind of its own.

For the second batch, I'm making a bunch of mini churros. I squeezed the churro dough into the oil, and Theresa was ready with the scissors to snip it off ever few inches.

As soon as these were golden brown, I tossed them into the cinnamon and sugar. It's going to be tasty!

Gather round kids! It's time for lunch!

Those look golden brown and delicious! From left to right, there's the Spicy Link Corn Dogs, Regular Corn Dogs, and also the Fried Cheddar Cheese Sticks. Theresa tried to put a stick through them, but they cheese kept splitting. In the end, I battered them without a stick and tossed them into the oil directly.

Our churro plate. Those long churros didn't quite come out as I envisioned them. I bet they're still tasty though.

Along with our corn dogs, we've got to have apple slices. At the Corn Dog Cart it's either apple slices or a bag of chips. With all this fried food, I think the apples are the better choice.

The Cheddar Cheese Stick was delicious! Gooey cheddar cheese in the middle and a crunchy corn shell.

How about those churros? Did the shape work out?
Here's what it looks like on the end.

And here's what the middle looks like. Perfect!

And the little churro bites have a great Mickey head in the middle too!

Thumbs up on the lunch today!

Theresa thought the Cheddar Cheese Sticks were delicious.

And I loved my spicy link corn dog. The batter is light and crunchy.

Ian - Corn dogs are my favorite! Thank you for making them for me Daddy.
Today's meal was a pretty good Disney treat. Now to plan out which Disney treats to make next!


  1. The hot link corn dog sounds especially good! Theresa probably never thought her coffee thermos would be a corn dog dipping instrument one day :-)...what resourcefulness! Hey, that makeshift Mickey churro piping bag idea did the trick...definitely a lot of "hidden" Mickey's with each slice of the churro. Ian wore the perfect t-shirt for those Mickey churros :-) Looks like another delicious (and an Ian favorite) Disney treat meal!! EOM

    1. I've wanted to make those corn dogs ever since I started the Disney at Home series. They're a tasty treat at Disneyland. And the churros are like cinnamon and sugar donuts. Love them!
