
Saturday, March 20, 2021

First Day of Spring - Cultivating the Magic Tour at Disneyland revisited

Today is the first day of Spring and my latest Micechat article is up! Disneyland does such a good job making the park look beautiful and vibrant! 

Celebrating Spring with Disneyland’s Cultivating the Magic Tour


  1. What a colorful, informative Cultivating the Magic Tour!...thanks for sharing the tour and its magic...share the disappointment that Tomorrowland's plants were given the short shrift treatment...otherwise, a lot of interesting facts in the other lands. Topiaries are so interesting...can't say there's a favorite, but just like the entire assortment. What a dream job for the Evans brothers, especially Bill since he continued to share his vast knowledge many years after Disneyland opened. Wonder why they ended the Cultivating the Magic Tour, along with the other tours (guessing it was a financial decision, as usual...boohoo) Happy to know you bring Flowers to Theresa every day :-) (that's a good one!) EOM

    1. It was a fun tour and a fun look back on it. Yeah, I'm guessing like most things it was phased out and replaced with something more popular/expensive. Still, I was glad to have been able to go on it when it was presented. And I'll still go on the Behind the Seeds tour at Epcot.
