
Sunday, April 11, 2021

National Grilled Cheese Day - April 12th

 Today we're celebrating National Grilled Cheese Day

Grilled cheese is one of the easier dishes we make, but everyone loves it! The pan gets a good coat of butter. 

I love using this square non-stick pan for things like this. And that cheese cutting wire does a fantastic job at cutting long, even slices. For my cheeses I'm using Kraft singles, sharp cheddar, and mozzarella cheese. Two of those will be super melty. Do you toast the insides of the bread? 

It's still a grilled cheese, even if you add toppings. Three of us were happy with the standard ham. Ian loves pepperoni, so he jumped at the chance to swap his ham for pepperoni. 

Golden brown delicious. I think the cheddar could have cooked a little longer on this one to melt but it still tastes great!

If there's anything that goes with grilled cheese it's soup. The kids are both having chicken noodle. 
They are discussing how they want their sandwiches cut. Either rectangles or triangles. 

Rectangles won out for them. 

Theresa is having soup with hers as well. A homemade lentil soup in her case. 

It's got to be tomato soup made with milk for me. Creamy and savory. I love it. 
And which cut do I prefer? Triangles or Rectangles? 

It's got to be Triangles! All the better for dipping into my tomato soup!

What a great day to celebrate!


  1. Nicely browned bread...perfectly toasty-looking! That homemade lentil soup is hitting the spot right now for me. Since I'm not a grilled cheese sandwich person (not much of a cheese person, actually), I'll settle for just the bread grilled on both sides with that butter :-) Growing up, our household used the "rectangle" cut, even though the "triangle" cut looks "prettier" to me! EOM

    1. That square pan is great! I love using it for hamburgers too.
      Lentil soup is pretty great for those colder days. I like both that one, and a split pea soup with ham that she makes.
