
Monday, June 14, 2021

Visiting Michigan for Austin's Graduation

It's the time of year for graduations and we're finally to a point where we can travel again. Let's fly to Michigan!

We're currently in Colorado, so Pop Pop dropped us off at the Denver airport. 

This has to be the longest we've gone without going on a plane. It must have been 18 months or so. 

We're in Michigan!

Aubrey was ready and waiting for us at the airport. 

It was so good to see the family we love after being away for so long. 

Yes there were tears. 

There's all these people here, but Alli wanted to know "where's Austin?" He's the main reason we're here. 

There he is! 

Knowing there'd be a lot of emotion, I made sure to record it. 
At the end, the kids have been practicing a song they learned from Pop Pop that they know Grandpa would love. They've even been singing it at night after we put them to bed, just to get it right. 

One of the things they have been looking forward to is a "Kids Day". Ian and Alli made a list. It reminded me and others of the list that Buddy the Elf makes. 

They love being able to hang with their cousins all together. 

Making cupcakes. 

Playing video games together. 

And a sleepover! Though Ian came out after an hour asking if he could sleep in another room because "there's too much snoring". 

Finally the day of Austin's graduation had arrived. 

It's awesome being able to have the whole family together for a picture. 

Space at the actual graduation is very limited. The parents and grandparents were able to attend in person. We were fortunate that the whole thing was streamed live online, so we could watch it at home! It was unusually cold and windy for being the end of May, so being at home actually worked out pretty well. 

Austin even gets to participate, delivering the Invocation. 

Great job Austin!

I recorded the live-stream of the major events and included our big cheers from those of us in the living room. 

Congratulations Austin!

We were waiting with big hugs when he got home. 

The girls did a great job with this charcuterie board. Looks professional!

And me and the kids didn't attend (still doing Covid distancing) but there was also a big graduation party at the church. 

We're only here for a few days, but the kids took every opportunity to hang out together. 

Like going fishing!

They ended up pulling in 16 fish in just 1 hour! None of them are big enough to keep, but just catching that many is exciting. They are going to be spoiled for fishing again the next time! 

Nice one Alli. 

All too soon, it was time to head back to Colorado. We're in the middle of a project there and we've got to get back to it. More to come on that later. 

Why do we even need to buy them tickets when both can fit in the space for a bag?
It was great to see everyone in Michigan again after being away for so long! 

1 comment:

  1. What an emotional homecoming/ beautiful to see everyone just enjoying each other's presence! Boy, Austin really shot up in height! Congratulations to Austin on his high school graduation!...great job on the invocation, too. Listen to all those cheers when Austin's name is announced...wonderful to hear and "see" that real time!!! Hey, that charcuterie board was arranged beautifully...nice job by the girls! Ian & Alli had a lot of plans for those few days :-) trip was pretty exciting, especially since they caught all that fish. Looks like the kids' backpack gifts got to see some good use on this trip. A novel idea on the "carry on" kids :-) :-) Short trip, but a very special one! EOM
