
Friday, November 5, 2021

Michigan - 2021/10/07-19

Today we're traveling, but it's almost like we're going back home. We're going to Michigan!

We've enjoyed Kenisee Lake Campground, but now we're going to Michigan for 12 whole days!
The drive will only be 3:30 hours, so we're not in the truck for too long today. 

We greeted Theresa's brother Don who has arranged a place for us to park Beauty while we're here. A nice house with a huge backyard will be perfect!

The kids have been super excited to come here. Even though we have a calendar they always want to know "how soon until we are going to Michigan?" 

Aubrey! They love their cousin so much. She does so much with them!

For dinner Rita got me my favorite Michigan burgers. White Castle! 

Ooh, and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies? 

I have a feeling I'm going to be gaining weight while I'm here. 

Amy called us all outside to see a beautiful full sky double rainbow! 

There's one more extra special part of our visit to Michigan. Gram and Pop Pop are visiting here too! 

We just picked up all these English Walnuts at Abbott Farms for Grammy and the kids were super excited to give them to her. 

Hi Ethan! 

Can't stop doing bike rides while we're here. Nearby is a park along with a long walking path, perfect for a long bike ride. The kids asked how far we were going and Theresa told them 10 miles. 
Ian - Just 10 miles? 
Ha! I'm glad to hear that. 

We rode through some beautiful trees and had a very enjoyable ride. 

We haven't seen much of Uncle Ty yet. Today is the start of Duck Hunting Season, so last night he and a buddy were in a boat, inside a duck blind, trying to get their quota. But everyone else had the same idea and no ducks were coming anywhere close to them. He came away empty handed. 
Ty, we found them! They're all here at the park, come and take your pick!
Alli - It's like a ducky grocery store!
They must have thought we had food. 

Speaking of food, the kids have been getting so spoiled. Their cousins have jobs and cars, so they got to go out for treats quite often. Alli asked for a picture of these adorable mini french fries from McDonalds. 

Love you Aunt Amy!

Theresa loves jammin on her guitar. Donald has a buddy who used to play professionally and she was able to spend an hour with him, learning how to change strings. 

For their birthday celebration, Aubrey bought them over 100 balloons. They've had so much fun playing volleyball, soccer, and having balloon fights with them in the living room. 

Alli is prepared for a balloon battle with plenty to spare!

Mmm. Donuts. Thanks Uncle Ty. 

We had a fun few days hanging out with Gram and Pop Pop (which will show up in different posts). 

But it's time to say goodbye. Love you Gram. 

And Pop Pop. 

Have a safe flight back to Colorado! See you in a month!

Grammy has been hearing about our trips to the apple orchards and told us that when we get to Michigan she'll take them to pick apples and then make apple sauce! 

On another bike ride, we even got Aubrey out there with us! 

Aubrey does so much for us that we wanted to do something special for her. She's a big fan of sushi, but it can get expensive. Theresa got a recipe for sushi rice while I made tempura crab. Aubrey and Theresa then assembled and rolled everything, sauced it and plated it. 

It all came together beautifully! It was a little bit of work, but we made at least 10 rolls, which would have normally cost $10 each. 

Alli loves all the time cousin spends with her. 

Every single day but one, they went out for icees or some other frozen treat. 

They've been looking forward to Sandy coming back. Other shoppers always leave pennies nearby so kids can ride. 

Thumbs up! 
Alli - I love riding Sandy. It's so delightful. 

They're so spoiled. 

It's fun playing video games with so many people. Mario Kart is a really fun 4 player game. 

Grammy's chicken nuggets are always appreciated. She made enough to feed a small army, but we still managed to finish them all!

The day before it was time to go, Aubrey announced that they were all going bowling! 

A compilation video of a lot of the things we did together. 

Some people have to work tomorrow so we won't see them when we leave in the morning. Goodbye Uncle Don, love you. 

And Aunt Amy. We're looking forward to seeing you soon!

Bye Uncle Ty and Aunt Rita! 

The next morning, Aubrey was there to send us off. 

Along with the grandparents. 

Love you all! Michigan has been fun, but it's starting to get cold! It's time to get this show on the road and migrate south for the winter. We're headed to warmer climates in Florida!

1 comment:

  1. What warm welcome hugs to start the visit! Those 12 days flew, no zoomed, on by...too quick. Lots of good times with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents (neat that Gram & Pop Pop flew up, too). Alli & Ian were spoiled by Aubrey & Ethan, and loved every minute of it :-) The homemade chocolate chip cookies, delicious-looking sushi (boy, that looked really good), and White Castle burgers were fantastic treats (along w/ all those frozen ones the kids enjoyed regularly). That's a lovely park for walking and bike that covered bridge and all those tree-lined paths. A full double pretty! Alli came up with a great description, "It's like a ducky grocery store." :-) Always hard to say good-bye! EOM
