
Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Flowers Explore - Three Flags RV Campground - 2021/10/24-27

Today we're making the move from Georgia to our new home state of Florida!

Only a 4 hour drive to get from Georgia to Three Flags RV Campground. This is our 27th stop of this trip!
Welcome to Florida!

Stopping at the Welcome Center it's always good to get out and have a nice stretch. 

It's nice that this long journey is starting to wind down for the winter. I'm looking forward to not being on the road so much. 

Before we get to Orlando, we're stopping in Wildwood Florida for 3 nights at the Three Flags RV Campground. Even though we were checking in at 2pm (when check-in is noon) there was a backup. I was close to blocking the main road until someone pulled forward. 
Ian was excited to hear that we were going to Three Flags, thinking it was some sort of offshoot of Six Flags, and that they'd have amusement park rides. 

Instead of getting to pick our spot, it was assigned. The nice thing is that they are in an open field. 

Except we got the one right next to the power pole. I was fortunate that the RVs on the lead-in road weren't pulled up far. The only way I was able to squeeze between this and the water spigot on the other side was to drive into the grass and swing around wide. 

We're in Florida Alli! Get that sticker on!

For dinner I made the rest of the family fried chicken, but I wanted to do something different. I saw a picture of chicken drumsticks in an air fryer like this and thought they could be delicious. The skin got perfectly crispy and the insides were still nice and juicy. 

And I coated them with the Couture's Maple Fire Hot-Sauce. Honestly, it was even better than Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm definitely going to make these again!

Theresa is working on drying out the Hickory nuts we all picked back in Ohio. That hot Florida sunshine should do a good job drying them out. 

Until you get that typical Florida rain in the afternoon. 
Ian - Momma, it's raining!
Theresa - It is! 
Ian - Momma, the nuts!
Oh yeah! Gotta protect the nuts!

It was really coming down. This will be quite different than our weather in Southern California. 

We wandered around the grounds to get some walking miles in. Right next to the campground road was a cow pasture. These cows were curious, but very skittish when they got close. 

They have a pool! The kids were so excited to see that it was open! So many of the campgrounds we went to had the pools closed for the season.  

Theresa played guitar while the kids swam in the pool. 

Ha, Ian is doing flips into the pool. 

The next day, we were right back at the pool! This time I joined them. They love it when I get in and swim with them. They like me giving them challenges and goals. And just climbing and jumping on me. That's fun too.  

This pool was also great because it goes down to 8 feet! Many of the ones we've swam in top out at 6. I tossed the pool toys in and we really got to focus on swimming down to the bottom to grab them. Alli's diving has improved dramatically! One of my goals for this summer was to get them swimming comfortably and we are so close to being there!

Those nose plugs sure do squeeze a lot though, don't they. 
The next day, we got packed up in the morning and drove on to our next stop. Thanks for the fun Three Flags! You may not have had amusement park rides, but you had a pool and that's good enough!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for making it safely into Florida after such a long trek with many stops. Everyone was initiated into Florida with its unexpected, sudden thunderstorms that come and go. Way to go Ian..."Momma, the nuts!" Having the pool is the number one activity for the kids...good to know they're getting more and more comfortable with swimming in the water...always nice to get serenaded poolside with a guitar, too! Not contending with trees to maneuver through and/or around is always a plus with a huge RV. Those drumsticks with the Couture Maple Fire Hot Sauce looked REALLY delicious...the skin looked so crispy, and knowing the meat was tender and moist just made it more mouthwatering! EOM
