
Friday, December 10, 2021

A Thanksgiving Celebration in Colorado - 2021/11/25

I love that we're able to travel and visit places for special occasions. Like Thanksgiving! We're in Colorado to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family!

My sister-in-law Megan is training for a half marathon, and pushed to run a 10k. After a little bit of convincing, I opted to join her. 

The Pumpkin Pie 10k takes place in the beautiful Denver City Park, near the Denver zoo and these giant lakes. It was in the 40s early in the morning, but it was beautiful temperatures for a race. 

We're also running with a couple friends that are joining Megan for that half marathon. It was a very pleasant run, though I wish there were more water stops. On the 6.2 miles course there was one as 1.5 miles and another at 4.6 miles. 

10k is complete! 6.2 miles done!

And at the finish line you get a slice of celebratory pumpkin pie! 

Even the race shirts they give you say "I'm here for the pie". Love it!

On Thanksgiving Day, Patrick kept the kids entertained with some different board games. They had a lot of fun playing together. 

And Gram has an apple tree outside that is needing some attention. The kids all helped pick the remaining apples. 

They filled up almost an entire bushel, then sorted out the bad ones. 

They're excited to contribute to the Thanksgiving meal today too.

With the help of the juicer that Pop Pop has, we'll have some fresh apple cider to go along with our meal. 

All the kids wanted to help out. 

My contribution to the meal today are some made from scratch soft dinner rolls. 

They turned out super fluffy!

But the real star of the show for today's Thanksgiving meal is the prime rib. Dad was awake at 2am getting this hunk of meat into the smoker. 

Rare in the middle, just like I like it. Who needs a Thanksgiving turkey when you've got a meal like this. Steamed broccoli, soft dinner rolls, a baked potato with cheese and sour cream, and a giant slab of prime rib with au jus.  

After a filling meal like that, I think we need to go for a walk. 

And a playground will be perfect for the kids to get out some energy. 

And now that it's after Thanksgiving, it's time to start putting up Christmas lights! I don't have my house any longer, but all my Christmas lights are in Colorado at my brother's house. He let me do whatever I wanted to their house, and both he and Megan helped outside. It's always easier putting up lights with 2 people. 

Just in time because the snow is starting to come down. Nothing stuck, but it was still cold enough to freeze your hands. 

Nothing too excessive this year, because I'm not going to be around to help take it down. I especially like that we were able to get lights all the way in the tops of the trees 30' up!

1 comment:

  1. Colorful ending photo to welcome in the Christmas season...boy, that's a lot of lights to wind up 30' high up the tall tree...what a multicolored Christmas tree w/ the star on top...very nice to see all those lights...always enjoyed seeing the lit creations. Fresh apple cider!...sounds so refreshing and good (and the kids had a ball helping to make it!)...perfect to wash down the juicy-looking prime rib and homemade dinner rolls. Like how the kitchen window lets in the bright sun rays...adds warmth and a coziness to the area. All that walking and cycling before arriving in Colorado certainly helped you breeze through the 10k without too much struggle, and those t-shirts are utterly cute! (good luck, Megan, on the half marathon!) EOM
