
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Leaving Colorado from Thanksgiving - 2021/12/04

Catching up on some old posts. This one is from our time in Colorado over Thanksgiving. 

Avery and Gram worked to make a fun chalk obstacle course on the front sidewalk. 

Gram has a few little tomatoes growing in the backyard that are ready to be picked. 

These are super tiny. 

We can't forget about our backyard friends this winter. 

Gram has pinecones and peanut butter and we're going to make a treat for the birds. 

Those get rolled in birdseed. 

And then they get tied in the trees. The critters are going to love these!

We love hanging out with family. 

The kids disappeared for a while and when I went looking for them, I found them in bed reading books together. 

One of the things that I look forward in Colorado is a particular Korean restaurant. It used to be the place Theresa and I would visit in high school. We'd eat there and I'd always get an Arby's Jamoca shake afterwards. 

And my favorite thing to eat there was the fried wontons. I don't know what they put in them (or else I'd be making them myself), but they're amazing. 

Uncle Patrick is giving out foot massages and the kids are lining up for them. 

Alli is showing off her piano skills. She's doing great! Ian is also doing well, but Gram has been amazing! She hasn't missed a single day since August when we started! 

How about a duet? 

Ha. Aunt Megan must be comfortable. 

Art projects were fun. 

Alli made these ornaments for the Christmas tree. 

Let's go out for a walk! There's a great park that's within walking distance. 

It's got a merry-go-round that was fun to spin on and a playset. 

But our favorite part of the playground today was the swings. Uncle Patrick and Avery joined us and we had a swing jumping contest. 

It was a lot of fun! I haven't jumped out of swings like that in years!

One of the special requests for this trip is a special meal that my mom makes that we all love. 

It's a version of chicken cordon bleu that takes a while to come together, but the end result is worth it. It's pretty delicious over rice. 

Ian and Avery disappeared for a while into the basement, promising us a surprise. 
Even if you don't watch the whole video, at least watch the first 30 seconds with the confetti surprise. 

There's even a disco ball!

Ian and Avery also learned about having to clean up messes from that confetti surprise. 

All too soon it was time to leave Colorado and head back to Florida. I'm glad we got to spend so much time in Colorado. 

Goodbye Gram. 

Love ya!

Thanks for taking us to the airport Pop Pop!

Back to Florida!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time with Pop Pop and Gram in Colorado! That last photo of Ian, Avery, & Alli was so special...Avery looked extra, extra happy in it...the 3 kids really enjoyed playing with each other. Quite a game carnival in the basement w/ confetti starting off the games (guess it wasn't all "fun and games" since any messes had to be cleaned up :-) ) Looking forward to more piano playing from Alli & Ian (nice one, Alli, with Gram!) What a swing-jumping time!!...some very serious jumps there, too...the slow-motion ones were especially fun to watch. Ahh...high school memories of a favorite Korean restaurant and Arby's Jamoca shake w/ precious!! The "pine cone+PB+bird seed" is such a clever idea...never saw that before. Gram's chicken cordon bleu looked delicious, and pairing it w/ rice was just perfect. Always hard to say good-bye to Gram and Pop Pop...but some special memories were created to treasure and remember at different times. EOM
