
Monday, March 7, 2022

Pizza at Home - Strawberry Pizza

It's the week of the Florida Strawberry Festival! We've already done a ton of things with Strawberries this week. We've visited a Strawberry Farm and tried lots of strawberry treats. We stopped by Wendy's to try their limited edition Strawberry Frosty. We made chocolate covered strawberries and tried them with Strawberry and Dark Chocolate KitKat. We even went out to Plant City Florida to check out strawberries there! 

Well after all that, I know exactly what kind of pizza to make this week. Strawberry Pizza! 

And not just any strawberries. These are ones that we picked ourselves. Other toppings include balsamic vinegar, sriracha, sweet onions, and cilantro. 

Instead of a red sauce as the base of the pizza, I'll be making my own sauce out of balsamic vinegar, strawberry jam, and sriracha. 

I put the balsamic vinegar in a wide pan to boil and reduce down to a syrup. The RV was filled with the smell of it. I thought it was great. I love the stuff. Others thought it was a little too strong. 

Once it was a syrup, I mixed in strawberry jam, and sriracha to heat and mix together. 

I cooked up a bits of chicken breast then mixed a little of the balsamic strawberry sauce in with it. 

Yet again, this week we're going with a thin crust pizza dough. I whipped up a batch about an hour before baking. No rise time needed!

My pizza needs a few more toppings, especially if it's going to be a strawberry pizza. I washed and cut up a few berries. 

Along with some sweet onions and bacon. 

After rolling my dough flat, I spread my balsamic sauce over the top, then added my chicken pieces. 

Next came cheese, sweet onions, and bacon. 

After 10 minutes in my pizza oven, it came out hot and bubbling! 

Wow! What beautiful colors! I added the bright red strawberries and cilantro onto the top after the pizza had finished cooking. That's looking delicious!

I could have stopped with one strawberry pizza, but since strawberries are so delicious, why should I? 
Theresa has a fantastic combination of toppings that usually includes ham, tomato, caramelized onions, gorgonzola cheese, fresh basil, and grapes. But instead of the grapes, what if I replaced them with strawberries? Would that be just as good? 

This time I cooked the pizza like normal, but added the strawberries when there was 3 minutes left. 
If I did it again, I wouldn't cook the berries. They released a bit of water once they cooked and it made it more difficult for the crust to get crispy. 

Both pizzas tonight were something interesting and unique. Both featured strawberries very well, and the flavor of the berries came through wonderfully. 
For the balsamic strawberry pizza, I liked everything about it except for the chicken. I think chicken breast is a little too dry for this, and it cooks up too tough. Maybe chicken thighs would be better, or maybe even a different meat altogether. 
The other pizza was more of an afterthought, but I liked it even better! I think it's better than the using grapes! Theresa disagreed, preferring grapes, but she still thought it was good. 

For the kids, both requested pepperoni pizzas today. 

And with so few toppings, it gets nice and crisp. They look forward to pizza days again. 

I loved featuring strawberries in the pizzas this week! They made for some good pizzas!


  1. Never imagined a "balsamic vinegar, sriracha, & strawberry jam" as a pizza base...very creative and seemed to go well with the other ingredients (did you just "make up" this base out of the blue?...if so, you just have a good feel for what works well together...quite the cook!) The reds and greens on the strawberry pizza added nice color. The side view of that pepperoni pizza slice really shows how thin and crispy the crust is...almost looks unreal! It's been quite a strawberry fest of different strawberry foods that week. EOM

    1. I pulled it from another website as a suggestion. It sounded like a good combination to me!
      I do like all the bright colors on this week's pizza.
      We're having a lot of fun with all the different strawberry treats. And I'm not through yet!
