
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Uncle Don and Austin visit!

So many people come to see us! Rita, Aubrey, and Ethan were just here staying with us. The week after they left, new visitors arrived! This week it's Austin's Spring Break, so Austin and Donald flew out to Florida! They're eventually headed to the beach, but they're going to spend 36 hours with us. 

With only that much time, the kids wanted to get in as much stuff with them as possible. Like going to the pool! Unfortunately it started raining on them, which wasn't too big a deal. But when lightning started going off in the distance, it was time to leave. 

After everyone got showered off, they squeezed onto Alli's bed and played games together. "Austin, do you have games on your phone?"

After the rain last night, I got up on the roof to sweep some of the standing water off the slide toppers. Beautiful blue skies today!

The kids have been loving shuffleboard. After swimming earlier this morning, they had Uncle Donald borrow the gear from the clubhouse. Uncle Donald also promised them ice cream, and there's one thing they've been wanting since we got here in November. One of the sign-boards by the pool promises Magnum Bars, but they haven't had any in stock. Uncle Don spoke to the lady who worked there and it turns out they just got a shipment in, but they haven't entered them into the computer yet so they can sell them. Try coming back tomorrow. 

You need just the right touch to slide it at the right speed. We play with a little bit looser rules. In the real rules, the puck needs to be entirely in the zone. We play where as long as it's touching the zone, you always get the most possible points. So if it's across the 10 and 8 zone, you get 10 points. 

They have fun no matter what the score. 

One of the things we loved doing with Uncle Don last time he visited was the Showcase of Citrus.

They have delicious treats! Last time we loved getting the slushies and ice cream. Last time we were here they had the lemonade and orange juice slushies, and either vanilla or key lime soft serve ice cream. 
This time they had the same slushies, but instead of key lime, they had butter pecan, which seemed like an odd choice. Key lime would be tasty with either of the slushie flavors, but butter pecan doesn't sound good with either of them. 

This time we're trying both a lemonade slushie and the orange slushie, both with vanilla soft serve. 

Delicious on a warm day. Between the two of them, the lemonade is the best. The orange juice is a bit sour. Too sour. Even the sweetness of the ice cream isn't enough to make this sweet like a creamsicle. 

Delicious! Thanks for the treat Uncle Don!

Afterwards, we went to explore the grounds a little further. Not into the orange groves, where we'd have to pay, but by the playground and animal pens. 

A very vocal turkey! 

And that ostrich is really tall!

Hi there!

Even the two of them couldn't equal the weight of Austin. 

Here's a couple animals we can pet. They were super chill. 

And this adorable puppy was loving the attention. 

Another visitor! Jacob is in the area so he stopped by and joined us for dinner! What's for dinner? 

Ooh, Theresa made red beans and rice again. 

And Jacob brought a Publix Key Lime Pie for dessert. 

It's delicious! 

The kids love games. They convinced everyone to play a round of Uno. 

And before bedtime, we watched Encanto for the fourtyleventh time. 

The next morning, Donald and Austin have to leave, but first, let's go to the clubhouse! There's something that was promised that needs to be secured. 

Can we please please please get a Magnum bar? 
Unfortunately they still haven't been entered into the computer, so they're not supposed to sell them. Donald turned on the charm, and asked if there was any way. They're about to leave, it was promised to them. They came back the next day, like she recommended. 
She took care of them. Donald gave her extra cash for when they did get entered into the computer that she could cover whatever the cost would be. 

Aww, thank you Uncle Don! 

Were they worth it? 
Absolutely! Ice cream dunked in chocolate, dunked in caramel, and then chocolate again! So good. 

Aww, it's time for them to leave. We'll miss you guys. Hope to see you again soon!

Love ya!

The kids ran and waved as they drove away. Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. The family RV is THE gathering place!!...wonderful seeing Uncle Don & cousin Austin again, and then Jacob, too. Lots of fun and treats squeezed into the 36 hours, including the requisite Uno and Encanto :-) Look at that ostrich making "eyes" and "batting its eyelashes"...such a tall bird. That Magnum bar certainly sounds delicious...double chocolate dip w/ caramel in-between (that sounds soooooooooo good!) What a great parting group photo of the six of you. EOM
